Pissed Off (N)

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Me and my sister were in a promo with Becky and Charlotte as we were throwing words at each other. It was going fine until Charlotte said something that set me off.
Char) "maybe you should go find your daddy to back you up. Oh wait hes not here!"
Y/n) *To Natalya* "I'm about to kill her I swear to god"
Nata) "Y/n you have to calm down okay"
Y/n) "NO she literally just said we should die basically"
Beck)"Awe is little y/n getting annoyed at a little comment"
Y/n)" listen here you little shit I am not getting pissed off its Charlotte's fault that she was talking about mine and Natalyas father and you just happen to get in the middle"
Nata) *holding y/n back* "hey we have to get to the lockers before something happens"
That's when Stephanie came out to try and diffuse any future "attacks".
Steph) "This needs to stop. Charlotte you clearly said something that set
Y/n off so I came up with an idea. How about we have a unification match. With both Charlotte's and Beckys titles on the line."
Y/n and Nata) "We both like the sound of that"
Char) "Gladly"
Steph) "Okay then its settled we will have a women's unification match between Natalya and Y/n and Becky and Charlotte"
The crowd erupted after hearing that as they wait for what's going to happen.

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