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I absalotely love abby so I decided to do another story for her, the bit where they are home is taken from my "midnight" one slightly but the rest is from character ai (don't question)

It had been a year since you had seen abby and you were naturally starting to get worried so with Levs blessing (He had already arrived home) you set out to find your girlfriend. It too months to find her and you had to go through plenty of infected and scars trying to kill you but you made it barely to a beach. The damage on you face showed how it was clear you had suffered many injuries with cuts to your face, a busted up nose and your body was the worst being weared down by the endurance tk find your lover but you were able to pick yourself up as your eyes set on a bunch of rusted poles sticking out the water and looking closer you sees people tied to them, clearly dead, Thinking the worst you panic and search each pole to finally see your girlfriend abby hanging from one of the poles beaten up. You hear her faint crys for help as her eyes locked with your worried ones as you weakly smile at each other.

"it's you"

She whispers as you start climbing up the pole to cut her down. Once you are face to face she leans forward and rests her head againest your neck and starts crying. You both stay there for a few minutes as you try to calm her down and her sobs turn into quiet crys as you wrap your jumper around your waist and the pole to be able to cut her down while you slide down with her in your arms. You untied your jacket and limped across to the nearby boat before laying her down and using your jacket again as a blanket to keep her warm.

Abby looked up at your softly but her eyes widen at how busted your face is "What happened?!" she asked, grabbing your face. "Infected and scars love" you quickly answered trying not to worry her when you felt her head rest againest your chest. "oh god I thought you had died" she clutched your clothes before cupping your cheeks to inspect your bloody nose. "I'm safe now abs" you whisper. You lean in to kiss her as the pain is overwhelming and you cry. Abby felt your tears so she wiped your cheeks and smiled into the kiss. Once she pulls away you get onto a bench on the boat and start rowing (against abbys wishes I might add as she wanted you to rest)

A couple of hours of rowing later and you reach the shore Seattle when you help her out the boat before falling to your knees in pain. "oh shit" you hear her whisper before helping you up and walking with you to you shared room.

When you two made it to your shared dorm, abby helps you sit down on the bed as she sits next to you. "this year was hell" she breaks the silence but pauses when she feels your head rest on her shoulder and smiles. "Can I clean your cuts y/nn?" she asks, you nod slowly as she stands up and grabs a med kit. As abby sits down you give her a weak smile as she places her hand under your chin to bandage up your nose and the small cuts that scatter your face.

Once she's done, Abby helps you lay down before moving to lay on your chest. "your adorable you know that right?" Abby speaks up while smiling at your flustered face through the plasters and bandages. You feel her move uo slowly so her head was nuzzled againest your neck while her breath slows down. You stroke her short hair while your other hand traces your jaw as you slowly fall asleep in her hold, thankful that you saved your love.

Now you think I may be done but below I have a nightmare section

A few hours later, you heard murmuring as you were awoke. You lift your head up confused but see abby next to you shaking and murmuring.

"What happened in Santa Barbra?"

Is the first thing that comes to your mind while you shake her awake. She wakes up shakes and upset as she jumps out of bed, walking around with irregular breaths. "babe?" you question as you climb out of bed with her to comfort her. You grab her cheek with one of your hands. "breath abs" you speak softly as she follows what you say. "I'm sorry" you hear back through strangled sobs, you shake your head quietly while bringing her head down to rest against your neck as as yoh shift your body to fall back into the bed gently (with your bandages) and pull the blanket back over you two. Abbys sobs quieten down into muffled cries as she head rests in your neck. "you need sleep my love, I've got you any" you whisper as you feel her breathing slow once again and see her eyes close. "I love you abby, I will protect you now" you whisper as you let yourself fall asleep.

Almost 900 words jesus christ

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