Men's Rumble (RR)

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This is ✨fluff✨
You guys were both on Raw

I was talking with my brother when Rhea walked in clearly angry after a fight that she had. I had no clue but I was soon to find out.
Y/n) "Rhea? Love? Are you alright?"
Rhea) "Yeah just pissed off"
Y/n) "Why is it something I should know"
Rhea) "Lacy Fucking Evans said I should go back to NXT and I was not 'Fit' to be on raw."
Y/n)"That son of a bi-"
Rhea) "Hey hey hey relax babe ill take you to the hotel okay"
Y/n) "Fine"
Rhea then dragged me to the car to make it to our hotel in time to watch my brother and dad perform in the men's Royal Rumble.
*In the hotel Room*
I was laying in between Rhea's legs as her arms wrapped around my waist as we were watching the rumble when Mustafa Alis music started playing. Now I have a common hatred towards him when he attacked my family once during a Raw promo (no hate to Ali Irl though)
Y/n) "I hope they make it through this with Ali in the ring. Common hatred could get to someone"
Rhea) "Yeah I can agree"
Y/n) "Who do you thinks going to win the Rumble babe?"
Rhea) "I think Drew but time will tell to find out. You? *Kisses on the cheek"
Y/n)"I think Ricochet cause he is an awesome athlete and I even saw him take down Brock at one point"
Rhea) "Really I must live under a rock cause I've never seen that in my life"
Y/n) "I love you Rhea"
Rhea) "I love you too Y/n"

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