Relaxing Sevika (S)

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I'm back! Happy new year, it's been a good start for me but I have school tomorrow so I'll be doing this to get some of the stories done before going back so enjoy

The undecity was dark like always, children were running around their exhausted parents, sellers were trying their best to get sales for the trinkets they sold whereas you however were resting in your home that you shared with your lover Sevika. Typically on these types of slow days she would come home exhausted and be craving your care which you would ultimately adore because your girlfriend is know to be the "big bad" second in command to Silco who you've come to respect over the years but really in private she is like a giant teddy bear that you can snuggle up to and heal all pain and physical ailments.

Speaking of Sevika, you hear the door slam shut which scared you a bit but you knew who it was, Sevika, and you knew how exhausted and stressed she was by the sound of the door slamming shut. Only just minutes later the book that you were peacefully reading had a bookmark placed inbetween the pages and was closed and moved away only to be replaced by a stressed Sevika falling ontop of you and wrapping her mechanical and human arm around your waist and burying her face into your neck, breathing deeply to expel any burden and anxiety that was put ontop of her all day. A comfortable silence was felt in the air as you ran your hands over the Zaunites back, tracing over the jagged scars on her shoulder that paved memories for the two of you that were deep and painful. As you traced the scars over her shoulder a small "I missed you" was heard from Sevika that was muffled by your neck. You immediately shush her as to not overwhelme her with speaking as your hands come up to her hair, massaging it as a way to lull Sevika to sleep.

It took a few minutes of shushing and quiet converstation for soft snores to begin to be heard by you as you realized that your lover had fallen asleep ontop of you with her arms wrapped tightly around your body as if you would slip away at any moment. Just that feeling alone was what helped lull you into sleep yourself as you fell asleep only minutes later with your head back on the pillow, cuddling her.

Done! I may do a second part of Sevika waking up but I don't know, if you guys want me too then I will

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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