Plans Overted (HP)

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Hello, it's been a while since I last posted but it's been my birthday!! I'm now officially 16. Anyways I've been asked to do something with Helen Park from Cod cold war and this is male reader.
The person who requested it was wandering_samurai

It was only a simple morning (you and Helen wanted alone time so you were cuddling in bed) until Helen was called it a meeting, it involved you aswell so naturally you went along with it and now was day in a meeting with Helen to the right of you in her commander outfit (I mean shed be hot in that) while one of the soilders was explaining what he had found and how he and the rest of the group would be able to rob a bank.

As the others were excited for the robbery you looked to the side to see Helen smirking at you pointing to look at your phone. Obviously you follow what she said an opened up your phone to see a message "you know if you want we can cross them and take the money for ourselves babe" you looked shocked at the message but answered back "I'm in" and after the others all walked away you and Helen walked down a hallway when she dragged you to the side and kissed you, grabbing onto the straps of your soilder outfit as she smirked at your red face. When she pulled back she was quick to explain what was needed, saying "we put the wrong location into the tracker when they are OK the way and we go and rob the bank" you agree to this immediately and you make your way to the truck and wire it to set to the wrong coordinates as Helen is getting everything ready for the heist.

*a few hours later*
Once you and Helen get home you see all the gang member annoyed that there was no money as you and Helen smirked at their reactions, the hiest had gone perfect and they went to teh wrong location as you and Helen robbed the bank and got alot of money. You Two decided to call it a night and retreated to your shared room and you cuddled up into Helen and you both fell asleep.

Done! I know this was short but this was requested by someone  I left the reader as gender neutral so I hope you don't mind that it is both genders as I didn't wnat to be weird about it anyways yea I'll see you soon!

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