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This is another story with My boyfriend and me so yea :)

The early morning sun was fast approaching and the orange rays were casting the room of Mizuki and Jayden's house in a glow that looked beautiful while the couple layed fast asleep tangled up with each other, Mizuki's head resting on his husbands chest listening to the steady beat of his heart as Jayden took deep slow breaths and relaxed further into the comfy pillows and blankets under him, any anxiety washing away while bringing his lover closer to him in his sleep.

Mizuki was the first one to wake at the sounds of trees rustling in the wind to find his husband still very much asleep (Can be taken as he is tired or shit happened last night 😏) under him and stayed still for a while admiring the features that scattered Jayden's face while the orange of the outside casted a heavenly glow onto him that Mizuki oh so adored. He watched as Jayden took steady breaths and watched his face scrunch up in his sleep, clearly dreaming about something fun at that moment that made the elder one smile in his sleep.

The entire time Mizuki was admiring Jayden in his sleep little did the younger one know was that Jayden was faking sleep as he knew that Mizuki was one to admire him and that smile was a real smile as Jayden struggled to stay asleep at that moment but not wanting to ruin it, He was able to remain "Fast asleep" and felt Mizuki watch him smiling.

After a while, Jayden slowly started to wake up and locked eyes with a smiling Mizuki. "Were you watching me sleep babe?" was Jayden's first question while he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Maybe" Mizuki dragged out while nuzzling his head into Jayden's neck. Chuckling, The elder one pressed a kiss to Mizuki's neck while smiling at his red face that spread to his ears with a pink glow. "Awe is pretty boy blushing" Jayden teased while kissing his temple and cheeks watching his face turn even more red. "No I'm not" Mizuki lied while trying to hide the evident blush but Jayden knew otherwise and moved so He was on top of Mizuki and his husbands red face was revealed to a chuckling Jayden. "You are blushing cutie don't lie to me" He says while gripping Mizuki's chin to keep him from turning away when Mizuki noticed dark marks on Jayden's neck and bare chest that looked like hickeys and grip marks. "Your one to talk love with those hickeys and marks on your neck" Mizuki said trying not to laugh while Jayden's face formed from confusion to shock at remembering last night events as he jumped up and walked to the bathroom to see dark hickeys scattered all over his chest and neck. "Babe what the fuck did you do" Jayden calls out to a now laughing Mizuki as he watches his husbands reactions to his hickey marks. "Whattt i wanted to prove that you were mine and no one else's" Mizuki said innocently as if to try and change what he had done but Jayden was already on the verge of laughing and blushing while starting at him. "Still babe imagine if I had the job still, people would ask questions" Jayden replied salty but smiling at the hickeys.

The couple were both in a happy mood at that moment when there cat jumped onto the bed, clearly wanting some attention from the giggling pair. "Hey kittie you want some attention from your parents huh?" Mizuki petted the kitten and watched as it purred and slinked over to Jaydens side of the bed and lay down, clearly comfortable, "Hey! That's my side" Jayden shouted laughing when Mizuki decided to tease the elder one. "oh well the kitty took your spot babe I'm sorry" he fake pouted to actually pouting Jayden who shooed the small kitty away and layed down in it's place, immediately burying his face into Mizuki's neck while the lover in question laughed and layed back down hugging the elder one as he pouted in Mizuki's neck tiredly. Misuki took notice of this tiredness and kissed the side of his face. "you know we can go back to sleep babe it's not like we have work or anything" He replied and watched as Jayden nodded exhausted before burying his face further into Mizuki's neck and falling to sleep again. As the younger one watched, he started to fall asleep aswell, wrapping his arms around the sleeping body before falling to sleep shortly after Jayden.

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