Neck Kisses As A Distraction (V)

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I have been writing stories in school so I have 3 coming up, this, one with Sevika from arcane and Kate Lasswell.

In the barracks, Valeria layed in her bunk with a familiar weight on her chest, Y/n, who was fast asleep on Valerias chest after she found him snuggled up on a sofa chair while his squad including Y/ns best friends Hector and Alejandro were playing video games and some were playing monopoly while drinking. Valeria was reading a book she had gotten into while Y/n snored softly in his sleep until arguing was heard from the common room.

The cartel leader was confused at the arguing but that morphed into love as Y/n stirred awake and nuzzled his head into her neck, trying to block the noises of shouting which was getting closer and closer by the minute when Alejandro and Hector burst into the bunk room nor noticing the couple who were confused as to the reason for the arguing. "Are you two good? Why is there shouting?" Valeria asked the two boys while cradling y/ns head. "Hector accused me of cheating when I didn't do shit!" Alejandro shouted but quickly shut up when he saw Valerias stone glare in annoyance. "First of all who gives a shit Second of all, Y/n is trying to sleep and your not helping so leave" Valeria explains as she trust to stay calm. Both Alejandro and Hector listen and go back to the common room but the arguing persists. "Please make them stop babe" Y/ns hoarse voice whispers as he tries to sleep but is unsuccessful on multiple times.

The elder woman smirked as an idea came into mind of how to make them "Stop" and gently rolled Y/n over onto his back before climbing ontop of him to straddle his thighs. "What are you doing?" Y/n asks, his voice wavering as Valeria pressed her lips againest the crook of her boyfriends neck, smirking again as she felt y/ns body reacy from her touch. "Just distracting you from those mother fuckers don't worry mijo" Valeria whispered with her lips connected to y/ns soft neck. While struggling not to break, Y/ns hand came up and clamped over his mouth to muffle his moans and whimpers as Valeria reached a sensitive spot on his neck.

"Your distracting tactic is definitely working fucking hell" Y/n breathlessly says while resting his hand on the small of Valerias back. Chuckling, Valeria bit down on Y/ns jaw trying to create a mark and being successful as a purple mark shows up a few minutes later under her lips. Y/n on the other hand was squirming and writhing under Valerias biting as he tried to bite back whimpers but some escaped. "Ssh Mi corazón you will get us caught if you whimper and moan like that" Valeria whispered while bringing her leg up inbetween Y/ns applying small amounts of pressure to tease him while creating more purple marks in varying sizes to distract him from the arguing.

Let your mind run wild 😉
Anyways I will hopefully do more story's soon

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