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Hello! This is a small story that I did for my boyfriend and I decided to move  it onto here so here is the story, my bfs name is Mizuki so that's the name I'll use for him

It was a pretty evening, the sun was setting on the beautiful village of Hanok in Korea and the house that was shared by the two lovers of 9 years had a evening glow to it with candles lit everywhere in the room and the tv playing a random sitcom that Jayden and Mizuki had gotten into within past week that Jayden was watching intently as the scenes played and the actors spoke (Jayden obviously trying to learn Korean at that moment but struggling intensely).

Mizuki was upstairs at that moment, watching the sunset as the dim sound of the show played from the cracked door. He stared at the sunset with amazement as the yellow faded into an orange and the orange into a pinky purple colour. He could feel the warmth of the married couples little house and felt like he had made it in life. As Mizuki was watching the sunset, the lovers cat slinked around his feet and hoped up onto the homemade bench that Jayden made for Mizuki on their 1st wedding anniversary. The cat moved its body closer to Mizuki with a pur and practically begged to be cuddled and Mizuki being Mizuki leant his hand out to stroke the cat.

After a few minutes of tending to the cat, Mizuki decided to head down the wooden stairs to get something to eat or make something for the two of them to eat (depending on how he felt) and saw his husband engrossed with the TV trying to learn the language with his small notebook and focused expression. Feeling a sense of peace and comfort at the situation, Mizuki walked over to where Jayden was struggling and helped him a little bit with spellings (which maybeee lead to Mizuki getting a stern face from an annoyed Jayden) but that was quickly brushed to the side when Mizuki took the book and moved Jayden down to lay on the bed so he could lay ontop of him.

As Mizuki was getting comfortable, their cat jumped up next to them and cuddled up into the nook of the husbands legs and layed down quickly falling asleep while the lovers continued to watch the sitcom until nightfall, hoping for the best future they can have.

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