The Hollow

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The night is my favorite part of the time, I love how quiet it can become in the forest sure there are noises but they are soothing to sleep to. The reason I love the nighttime the most is how I can wander without so many people out as most have the morning or day work to get to so Night is when they get their sleep but, not me hm what's that Who am I? oh how silly of me, let me introduce myself. Hello, my name Is Stella and I am a fairy but don't tell anyone as it is a secret and no one is to know we are here, especially humans.

This place is called the Hollow it has been my home for 18 years I don't fully remember how I came to be but it is said that fairies come from a flower that is wished upon by a child so I guess that is how but I don't truly remember the day I came to be. As a fairy, we all do get different powers there are animal fairies they talk and help the animals of the forest, Then there are the flower fairies that help flowers grow and bloom for the spring, the worker fairies that help keep the upkeep of the housing that is in the hollow and help make food and such and then there is my kind the elemental fairies. We have a huge role as we make sure the elements come properly to the hollow and make sure that the most unpredictable things don't happen.

Life hasn't been easy my 18 years as an elemental fairy but that is why night is my favorite time as it is the only time I get to relax and enjoy myself sure there can be an elemental disaster that happens during the night but that has happened very few times that we elementals don't worry about it too much.

Tonight has been of the usual sereneness (rustle rustle) "What is that noise?" Stella goes to investigate the rustle.

As Stella goes to investigate she hears a loud*Crash*(Hearing the noise she freaks out)

"Oh, my gosh, what was that" I should check that crash out but I shouldn't do it alone ok Stella no need to freak out just go quick check out the noise( as she flies to check out the noise she hears a bigger crash and leaves) *CRASH* ok nevermind I am going home the night has brought enough serene for me time for bed.

Stella flies home and goes to bed the noise is no longer a problem in her mind and makes her sleep a dream-filled and peaceful time.

Stella flies home and goes to bed the noise is no longer a problem in her mind and makes her sleep a dream-filled and peaceful time

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The dark forest: A Star-crossed Love story between Humans and FairiesWhere stories live. Discover now