The Meeting

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"Tweet, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep"

The noise of Jake's alarm annoys him although he knows he has to wake up and be on time for work like he usually is most of the time.

Ok partially of the time, ok a few times he has been late but, only a few...most anyway he shuts his alarm off and starts to get ready for work and eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Jake starts on his walk to work hoping to have a good day especially after the talk with Geoffery yesterday he hopes he did well in making sure his area was organized.

Arriving to work he sees that his place was fully organized so he was happy it stayed nice after he left work, looking at his desk he sees the next few projects from Geoffery seeing them dropped he hopes he made good work for his organization. 

Sitting at his desk he looks at each project deciding which one to for the day and getting a head start on it.

Somewhere in a forest, our fairy Stella is having a good start to her day as well noting that she has seen a difference in the number of guards around the town she lives in as she sees the queen takes things seriously luckily nothing suspicious has happened yet so she is thankful that maybe it was animal and nothing too harmful for the fairies.

Getting to work she sees that the elements of today have been acting up a bit more than usual as the sun has gotten a bit too hot and has burned a few crops set so Stella has been helping with bringing in more rain to help feed the crops so they don't start a fire.

Hopefully, nothing damaging happens to the worker fairies or the important housing and food needed for the city.

It has been a strange day but as Stella sees everything has calmed down she decides to take a break and heads for the water near the edge of the forest a little farther from the village than usual but, Stella needed some air and space to think about today.

After working on most of the projects Jake decides to take a break and goes to the forest to take a walk and clear his head of the day. Walking along the dirt forest path he thinks about how life isn't to his liking, Jake thought he would be somewhere else or at least doing more at his job he loves all the projects he works on as they are for the city but, he wants to be able to make something of his own by now he wants to help more with the business but, he also knows he has to get better at organization and time management.

With all the thoughts coming together Jake comes upon a nice sparkling small lake and sits, feeling the atmosphere become more relaxed he looks upon the water noticing how far he went into the forest today hopefully he doesn't disturb anything.

Looking up from his spot he spots flowing black hair standing up he looks more and sees this beautiful girl however something seems different about her.

Getting a closer look he swears he sees big sparkling wings coming from her backside surrounding her hair. After watching her for a bit he decides to say hi so he doesn't seem creepy for staring of course.

"HI, are you lost?"

The girl looks up to see him and he sees panic come across her fast before he could ask what's wrong he sees her feet lift off the ground as she flys fast away.

"Wait hang on I didn't mean to scare you"

Chasing after this beautiful unusual girl he hopes he can catch up to her, running past trees and animals along with bodies of water he looks up ahead to see she has stopped.

Not wanting to scare the girl he quietly shuffles up to her backside clearing his throat to get her attention.

As she turns around he sees that she wants to fly away but he quickly holds up his hands hoping she takes a moment as he wants to know her name and wonders what she is and why she was by the small lake.

The dark forest: A Star-crossed Love story between Humans and FairiesWhere stories live. Discover now