The Storm

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Waking up was slow as I didn't hear any chirping birds as my usual mornings would entail, no this morning instead of chirping birds I hear panic from all the fairies here in the hollow i wonder what is going on.

As I step outside I feel as a huge gust of wind blows me back into my tiny house and slams the door. Oh no! a huge storm but yesterday I felt no change in the atmosphere how can i huge storm be here how didn't pick up on it. With my mind racing trying to figure out why my usual sense for the elements didn't pick up anything, I fly out in the storm to help with any damage to the village, once there I see my fellow fairies try and disperse the wind I go and help a group try and stop the rain that I feel will be oncoming.

While all the elemental fairies try and stop the oncoming storm i look around and see that i may have not been the only who didn't sense this storm coming, as I see the panic in some of the wind fairies as the gust are so powerful to hold back luckily I see my friend Anemone who is one of the strongest wind fairies help the ones having trouble and "dance" the wind away with ease. 

Honestly, I always have admired Anemone's strength as she always seems to be at ease with working even the most powerful of winds it always amazes me how she uses her power. After admiring for a little while I help the rest of my water fairies and we seize the rain to be a slight drizzle enough to make a rainbow appear in the sky.

After the storm is all done the rest of the hollow fairies come out of their shelters to assess the damages done to the land, As I look around I spot my best friend Anemone as fly over her to praise how awesome she is as she is a badass

"Hey Anemone nice work"

"Oh Stella stop flattering me I am just doing my job like always this was nothing special"

"seriously stop selling yourself short you were badass"

"Oh ok thank you"

"Anyway since the storm is all done would you like to get some food as I see that everyone has a handle now on the situation"


(Down at the fast-flying cafe)

*Fast-flying cafe a place where all fairies go to eat and relax especially after a hard long workday*

"So, how have you been Anemone anything exciting happening well besides the storm this morning"

"No no updates to life how about you Stella anything, in particular, you want to talk about"

Hm I wonder should I mention last night and the weird noise no it was probably nothing anyway

"No, not that I can think of anyway"

(Anemone stares at Stella curiously)


I feel like I should maybe talk to her about the noise but i don't feel the need to worry her it probably was a big animal anyway

"Stella seriously I can see it on your face that something might be bothering you"

(after a short pause Stella decides to tell Anemone of the noise she heard)

"Ok fine last night while I was having my peaceful time where i can relax i heard this loud bang near the creek where I was having my peaceful serenity at first i heard a loud bang and wanted to maybe investigate but then I heard more loud bangs and decided to fly home"

After telling what was bothering Stella see's Anemone expression get worrisome 

"Oh man that is awful you should tell the council about it as it was fairly close to the village it could have been a dangerous animal or worse a *in a whispered voice* Human."

"Anemone seriously I doubt it was a *in a strained voice* "human" It was probably a squirrel that crashed into something you know how clumsy most of them can be".

"I don't know Stella I just worry you could have been in danger"

"Well I have great instincts then as I flew straight home"

"Yeah before or after trying to investigate"

With a stoic expression trying not to be ambiguous 

"Before" Stella says in a strained voice

"Yeah ok I believe you Stella"


"No seriously you are an idiot at least tell me you didn't get too far into investigating the noise"

"no of course not as I was MAYBE about to there was an even louder bang than i got scared and flew home"

"Well thank goodness your at least somewhat smart but, I think you should tell the council about this as it was so close to the Hollow it could have been invaders or dangerous animals or you know what, and if was that last group we would be in serious danger as we don't belong in their world".

"I don't fully know what is so bad about the "you know whats" in a soft voice "humans" but i truly don't think it was".

"Whatever you say, Stella anyway it was nice catching up but i have paperwork to go do now as my day has been so eventful"

"See you later Anemone, have fun with your paperwork i am going to go check out how the lakes and spring water has been and hope that they aren't about to overflow have a nice rest of your day"

"You to Stella i believe you should at least tell someone if not the whole council at least tell Queen Feya she might be able to understand and take good measures to ensure you are heard and taken seriously"

"That will be a maybe but i really don't want to bother anyone about this especially the queen plus she will have a lot on her mind since you know a big storm happened she will probably be busy"

"Just try to let someone else know"

"Fine I will at least try"

"Thank you"

As Anemone flies off to do paperwork, Stella thinks of what to do about the noise she doesn't want to really bother the queen as it may have been something small. With thoughts running along in her mind she decides to at least tell one of the higher-ups even if she doesn't like most of them.

With that out of the way, she flies towards Emberseal palace to maybe talk to the queen or at least give a grievance for the noise and hopefully not have to worry too much about it.

Stella honestly prays that her grievance will be at the bottom of the pile so she doesn't have to talk about it at all. With that thought finished she looks up to see the palace in all of its beautiful glory if Stella wasn't so stressed with having to file a grievance she may have seen the beauty and possibly been stopped in her tracks.

The dark forest: A Star-crossed Love story between Humans and FairiesWhere stories live. Discover now