Master's Plan

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*In present time*

Finally, that pathetic witch has done something right for once and now we got our hands on a fairy even better an elemental fairy. The plan is coming along nicely with the distraction at the hollow which will take a while to clean up, and by that time I would have gotten full power over all elements and be able to destroy the fairies and especially queen Feya.

As I make my way through the halls toward the meeting center I start to get giddy, everything I have been working on with taking out the trash of the world will finally be complete. Coming upon the two large doors I push my way in and go to the head of the table as my followers all stand up like the obedient pawns that they are.

Looking at everyone around I make eye contact with Lamia oh I can't wait to announce that we finally have a fairy, she will be getting a good reward tonight as long as she doesn't break any rules while here at the table she will be getting a luxurious night tonight.

"Welcome my brother and sisters," I say as my voice booms around the room.

"Today is the day we have been waiting for as we finally have captured ourselves an Elemental fairy"

Shouts of praise and happiness go around the room at the announcement of us having our prisoner I look towards her as she moves her head down I go towards her and lift her head telling her with my eyes to go and get her prisoner to bring here in the room so we can inspect. I make sure to tell through my eyes that she must be quick or I will be very angry.

Looking at my face she quickly moves along to get the fairy and brings her here, walking back through the doors in a quick manner she lies the fairy's unconscious body in the middle of the table as the group goes towards the beautiful being to thoroughly inspect the divine creature.

*Acolyte is going to be another name for a follower*

"Such exquisite beauty" Acolyte 1

"Looks divine enough to eat" Acolyte 2

"The wings give off a beautiful shimmer from the light"Acolyte 3

The Master looks on with happiness as he sees the excitement coming off his followers this fairy was the most exquisite thing to ever be in his possession and he had many creatures and magical beings in his possession before but this fairy was the number one thing in the world he has ever wanted. From their beauty, the way their wings shimmer, and how they flew those humanlike bodies so fast to many locations.

"Now that we have inspected this divine creature why don't we talk about the rest of the plan i have in mind"

Many Acolytes nodded their heads in agreement that now is the time to get down to business so they can have more than this one fairy.

"Before we start I would like Lamia to take back the fairy to their fancy cell now."

About to get up to grab the damn fairy Lamia started to stand up but, clearly wasn't fast enough as the Master got impatient raising his voice to make sure Lamia gets the hint of his impatience.


"Yes, your excellency" moving at the speed of light she grabs the fairy and ran towards the cell throwing her body in and running back just in time for the Master to be pleased even with that tiny hiccup she still hopes she will get a reward even if it is a small one.

"So to start off my plan we already have step one completed get the elemental fairy of the highest rank, Step 2 we have Lamia start the process of removing the fairies magic from their body to give to me, Step 3 I go under a disguise and weave my way into the top of the castle where I then make my move to try and kill the queen, Step 4 while I walk in disguised as a fairy you all will be with Lamia who will take care of any new barrier they put up to help get us in faster, from there I want you all to start a rampage we already have done an attack already so this attack must be bigger we must need no sign of a fairy alive they all must die for this to work. Does everyone understand?"

Nodding their heads everyone gives their approval of the plan.

"Good, last step we kill off the queen and fairies as we know it will cease to exist and by the time anybody of their kind that might not be there come back they will die of sadness knowing that they are the only left of their kind Lamia will be making sure that spell will be put on just in case there is one fairy not there."

"Of course, that will be put on after all the steps have been completed. Well what do we think of the plan everyone".

Acolytes all around their table clap their praise for the Master and his plan, loving everything he has said and they can't wait for it to all come together.

"Are we sure that is going to fully work I mean shouldn't we have backup plans just in case stuff backfires?" a stupid random follower said.

Hearing someone question his excellent plan does not sit well with the master, with a twitching eye master turns toward the imbecile who dared speak with stupidity about his plan.

"Who dares speak about my plan like this, go on then stand up don't chicken out now"

The follower who dared open his mouth about the master's plan stands up with a mighty stance and gives direct eye contact with the Master however with a gulp he sees how mistaken he will be in a second.

"I-I d-d-di-di-did sir"

"Oh, well big guy why don't you tell us the plan you might have?"

"Really your grace?"

"Of course tell us how you plan to get in the hollow distracting the guards, taking on every fairy who tries to attack along with the elementals that will also be attacking you, then if you get through all of that. How do you plan to get into the highly guarded castle, past the royal guard who has trained for years to cut off your head with just a swipe of his sword, to the queen to kill her all by yourself."

"What but with your plan, you have us helping you shouldn't I also get the help?"

Looking at the arrogant boy who decided to speak out, looking straight in the eye with a fire in his eyes and say's a big fat "NO".

Tensing up with fear falling back into their seat the random Acolyte nervously shakes his head in tremendous nervousness about what his punishment will be.

"So is everyone Now in Agreement with MY plan."

"Yes your excellency"

"GOOD, no one wants to speak their mind"

Tensing with fear everyone says "No, your excellency".

"Very good to the one who spoke out, your punishment will be to clean every inch in this room I will come back tomorrow, and when I do it better be spotless and you out of sight".

Looking at the stupid Acolyte with malice he sees them shake their head yes. Smiling with a wicked smile Master leaves the room excited about their plan and how tomorrow everything will change for the better.

*Ok that was the master plan I know it sounds really simple but to me, there are ways that this plan can go wrong but man this story is almost done maybe 3 or four more chapters left maybe I don't it will come along, and wrap up nicely, and then I will start the hidden prince can't wait for, hope you enjoy this book and process as much as I have. See you next time in my beautiful star I wonder how the plan will go*

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