My Beautiful Star

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Jake p.o.v

They have been traveling for over a day and a half, Jake was getting tired as they have been walking with only one break of eating to sustain energy but, he knows it was getting close to nighttime and they will have to set up camp somewhere. 

Looking around seeing all the trees around them he thinks of how the plan they have will go, he is scared of how this all will turn out and something bad happening to them or worse Stella he can't believe she is captured he doesn't know what is happening with her right now but he prays that she isn't suffering right now and they could get there and save her before anything truly bad can happen to her. Feeling his eyes droop and his feet yelling at him to stop he looks at the back of Anemone's head he is about to say they should take a break until he hears this loud grumbling noise. Wondering where that noise came from he looks at his stomach thinking maybe it was his until he hears Anemone groan.

"UH, my stomach is screaming at me I guess this is the best time to take a break and eat."

"Yes, that is a good idea we should also take a rest after we eat so let's find a place to set up camp, and maybe after eating we should talk more about the plan."

"Yes and maybe talk about how you know witches"

Freezing from the sudden word of witches Jake nervously laughs, he was hoping maybe she would forget about that sort of information he let out.

"O-of course I should probably talk about that crucial important information I have the knowledge about"

"Yes, even though that was a long way to put it, you should."

"Ok let's set up camp and start talking about the plan."

"Sounds good."

*An hour later*

The two tents were set up, the fire was made and the food was cooking.  As Jake and Anemone were finishing the final touches on the camp they sat on the log seats they found and started to dig into the food they made as Anemone starts asking the important questions.

"Ok Jake, you need to spill now on how in the H-E- double hockey sticks you know about witches?"

"I guess that is fair and then we need to talk more about the plan."

"Yeah, yeah now spill"

"It was a long time ago when I was a child I had a pretty normal-ish life growing up, I had parents and more importantly I had a sister."


"Yes, up until the age of ten my life was pretty normal my dad would take me to his place of work and then around town and I just loved everything we did when I was a kid especially when he let me go to the blacksmith shop and watch his friend, my boss, work it was the most fun I had. After that, we would go home to my mom and younger sister and have a nice family dinner it was the happiest I have ever been with my family."

"So, what happened to them?"

Taking a few minutes Jake takes a breath to settle himself as he didn't want to cry thinking about his family and everyone that used to be in his life.

"Well one day after working with my dad and Geoffrey and learning more about blacksmithing my dad got an urgent letter from my mom, while he was reading it I could tell his face was in distress I was going to ask if something was wrong when all of a sudden he turned to Geoffery and told him to look after me while he gets to the emergency my mom sent him. Seeing my dad leaving I yelled to him to take me with him but he just gave me a look that said to stay there and he will be right back."

The dark forest: A Star-crossed Love story between Humans and FairiesWhere stories live. Discover now