My love conquers all

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*Meanwhile with Anemone and Lamia*

Lamia's p.o.v

Seeing my brother here was a shock not wanting to leave my body even while running down these corridors with a fairy beside me, it still wasn't leaving, turning down long corridors, to a door that leads to a basement that holds the poor fairy she kidnapped.

Still feeling guilty about everything Lamia looks to her left to see Anemone on her side staying very focused on the corridors in front of them. Not wanting to break focus Lamia looks for the inscribed door that holds Stella, wincing from seeing the all to familiar territory Lamia wonders when the last time Stella was fed hopefully she is ok.

Looking ahead she sees the door and starts to race further ahead to help open it as the door does have a magical binding hopefully this won't take long and she remembers the spell the master uses to keep this shut.

"Here, this is where your friend should be."

"Ok do you know how to open it, the markings on this door look complicated?"

"They are very complicated, I was taught many magics but, It may take a while since the Master's magic is very hard to undo."

"Will this be a bust? Should we go back and get something to help us mainly you"

"No, I got this just let me read quickly these markings and the spell then should come to me"

"Can Stella hear us past this door?"

"I doubt it but, if you want to talk and see if she talks back go ahead."

"No, let's just try and focus on the task in front of us."


Taking a look through all of the markings, a spell starts coming into Lamia's mind along with any important movement that comes with it. Absolute quiet is needed for this spell, which is the difficult part but Lamia should be able to do it hopefully this won't end in disaster.

"The spell that was used is coming to me please remain as quiet as possible or this won't work understand?"

"Yes" Anemone quickly becomes as quiet as she could which was past humanly possible but, hey being a fairy and having years of practice with hiding being quiet is practically easy.

Lamia stands with her hands outstretched towards the door feeling the magic of the spell take place in her hands she smiles this will work and then she and everyone can be free.

Feeling the door move and then shake Lamia waits for it to finally disappear and with the silence in the room she opens her eyes to see the door had disappeared meaning it worked and now then can get Stella,

"Yes, okay your friend is back here let's grab her and head out."

Moving inside the room Anemone see's her friend huddling in the corner shaking, she doesn't know what is up with Stella but she is very worried. Moving forward Anemone calls out.

"Stella, I'm here to rescue you."

Seeing her friend not moving Anemone goes to go closer until her friend whips around- and the sight before Anemone shattered her, there her friend was in front of her looking drained, a white color overtakes her skin whiter than before, Dark circles were very prominent on Stella's face and most of Stella's limbs were boney.

"My goodness, Stella are you ok?"

Seeing Stella just looking at her not saying a word breaks Anemone's heart but, she can't ponder on it anymore Stella needs to get a move on and they need to get out she doesn't even know how Jake is doing.

The dark forest: A Star-crossed Love story between Humans and FairiesWhere stories live. Discover now