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Lets continue...

The sky is dark and wind
blowing harldy. The dry leaves were falling from the peach tree which was dry. Only the sounds of war was there. A young boy around 10 year old was kneeling on the ground and tears flowing like a stream from his cute eyes. A women of around 30 was lying on his lap. Her eyes also had tears and she was trying to say something and was breathing hardly.

Boy:Mumma please don't leave me.

Women:Be.. t..a d.. on.. t h.. a.. te y.. ou.. r er.
[Son don't hate your father]

And before she could say further her eyes closed forever.

Boy:Ma.. Maaaa.....
He yelled her name.

His heart skipped its beat when he recognized that reality that his mother is no more. His life,his mother is dead on his lap.

He gasped, his eyes flooded as fast as it could. He cried vigorously and an another boy who was elder than the first boy placed his hands on the young boy.

Sid calm down, i know we lost our mom but its not the time to lose our power.

Sid looked at abhi who also had tears in his eyes and was controlling his pain and feelings.

Abhi dada mumma left me.
Sid said while sobbing.

So the first boy was sid and 2nd one abhi..

Sid:Dada she left me.She left us.Dada say her to come back.
And then he looked at his moms face and said.

Mumma i will not talk to you if you don't open ur eyes.He said while shaking his mom and sobbing hard

Beta. Someone called from his side with a shaky voice.

Sid looked at that guy.His eyes became red due to anger. He clenched his jaw and looked that guy with hatred.

Why the hell did u come here? To see me cry or to kill me? Asked sid being infuriate.

Sid calm down.Said abhi.

Why bhaiya why? How can i calm down? Why are you supporting him ha? He killed our mother.Sid said while sobbing and anger was visible in his voice.

Sid you don't know anything  i will say you but pls. And abhi was cutted by sid.

I Hate Angels.I Hella Hate Angels.He said in a cold and angry voice or should i say he was roaring.

A voice  came from behind and everyone looked at it.

It was non other than Lucifer...

Lu:Siddharth the second prince of Angels world would u like to be a devil.

He asked with a devilish smirk on his face.

Yes i would love to be.Replied sid.

Then i can help you.Lucifer said with the same devilish smirk on his face 😈

Then he chattered something and a big flash lava ball appeared in his hands.

His  pointed it on sid and that ball directly hit sids chest making him groan in pain

After some passing seconds he became normal and a tatoo was on his left chest.Which was the symbol of a devil.

Lucifer:On the poornima (full moon) Night when u will be 24 you will change to a devil.A pure devil.

He said laughing devilishly.

Abhi:Lucifer what are you doing?

Sm1:If you have problems with me then why you make sid your victim.

Sid:Stop you 2.I will eagerly wait.

Lucifer :Yes sid and ya don't act like an angel.You are a devil got it.

And saying it lucifer vanished from there.

Abhi:Sid its not the truth.
Anshu believe me

Sid:I don't believe angels anymore. They are cheaters..

And saying it sid went to his mom who was dead.

After 8 and a half year.

Thats for today. How was the prologue?

Who will be that man?

Do you agree with sid?

Tag your fav or worst part.

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Stay tuned...

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