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That day passed like that. Avneet was happy that siddharth left that guy as per her request.

It was around 11am now and avneet was in her room. Siddharth was not there and she was all alone.

She was feeling very bored so she started engaging herself in cleaning the whole room.

While cleaning her eyes fell on the big black iron box. She was too curious to know what was in that box.

What will be in this box? Something precious? Or any secret of my husband? Shall i open it? He is my husband so i have the right na. But still its his privacy. But i am his wife and i can do it.

Saying this she started opening the box.It was bit though to open but still mananged to open.

In that box there were many painting stuffs and all.Some old cards and a gold chain with a love locket in it.He have kept everything cleanly.She removed those stuffs slowly and carefully. And at last she found a big photo in which is framed and is covered with a red cloth.She removed the cloth and found a women's picture. It was siddharths moms picture. She smiled and stood up looking that picture. There were some dirt in the frame so she thought to clean it.But unfortunately her the frame fell from her hand and it got a bit crack.Avu was standing like a statue and suddenly she heard shouting noise.

What the hell?

She turned and saw an angry siddharth.

She gulped in fear, her gaze fixed on him.


She said.

Sid was very angry he came closer to avu holded her wrist and dragged her near the wall and pused her harshly making her collide with thar wall.Her head started bleeding as a cut was formed there.

She looked and siddharth and he caught her one wrist and pinned her to the wall.Avus heart skipped a beat and she gasped.

Fear visible in her eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks.

Siddharths eyes were red and it scared shit out of avu.He looked like a perfect devil right now.


She wished to speak but before she could say siddharth started

Sid:Why the hell did you touch that box?

Avu:I..thou..ght..to..cle..an..o.. ur..ro..om..so..

She said

Sid:Its my room not urs.Don't you dare to touch anything in my room.And whom do you think you are ha? You bitch just stop all this ok.And like others showing these fake tears wont even change my anger a bit.Just because of one reason i am leaving you but just note it down if you ever touch anything in my room without my permission then be ready to face the consequence.

He said no no yelled making avu flinch.Tears were flowing down.

He left her hand jerkly and her hand bit on the wall causing the bangels in her hand to break and it created a wound in her hand.

Siddharth left from room

Avu slided down and sat on the floor her hands around her knee and crying.

She only throught to clean and help him but all this happened and the most important thing is that she was hurt.Not physically as she don't care but mentally.She felt so sad abd broken when siddharth said those things.

I am no one to him...

She whispered and broke down.

After few minutes her eyelids started getting heavy and she fell unconscious on the cold clean floor.

Blood oozing from her cut in wrist.


So ya guys thats for today hope u all like it.

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