24.My Wife

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Siddharth reached his darbaar thinking about avi and the small scene happened between them.

He went inside the darbaar  with his face having a cold expression. He found his father and bro standing there waiting for him.

Sid :Why did u called me?

King:Siddharh its been 2 months of ur marriage and don't forget that you wanted to fullfil ur promise. If you feel anything for her then just quit this challenge.

Sid :I won't back up.

Abhi:Are u sure? Don't u like her? She is so sweet and even loves you so much siddharth!

Sid:I have no feelings for her.

He said sternly and avi was listening everything.

The smile which she had vanished as soon as she heard him saying he don't have any sorts of feelings for her and an unknown pain hit her. Tears were formed which she never wanted to spill.

Avi closer her mouth with her hand and ran from there and directly reached her bed and started crying cuddling her pillow and duvet

Avi:W.hy am.. I.. Cry.. Ing. I.. Should.. nt.. Cry.. But.. How.. Ca.. N h.. J.. Ust say.. That..

(Why am i crying? I shouldn't cry, but how can he say that?)

Avi was crying and sobbing.

Siddharth was in the garden thinking deeply about something.

He was talking with his sb mind.

Sb:Are you sure about it?


Sb:I know you didn't wanted to say that.

Sid:What are you saying look i don't care for her.

Sb:Oh really?

Sid:oh yeah really
*rolling his eyes

Sb:Then why was you angry that day when u saw that guys with her?

Sid:Hm.. Ab woh she is my wife and he was trying to harm her.

Sb:U said u don't care didn't you?

Sid:Just fucking get lost.

Sb:i will leave but just think when she hugs you u feel good, you bever wanted to see her sad, you wanted to protect her, you feel so low when she cries.Just think about it..

Siddharth shook his head and took a deep breath..

Sid:Am i having any feelings for her?No no i can't never be hapoen. Remember angels betrays and you want to be a devil and she is just a stone of my path ok.

Then only he heard her sound and when he looked at the position where sound came his heart skipped a beat.

Skio to avi.

Avi cried for so much time and her eye and face were red and swollen.She went to balcony and closed her eyes and the cold breeze cooled her a bit. Then only she felt a small pain on her leg and when she looked she found a spider which has poison avu shwed it away and again stood up but she felt like her head is rounding. It was the efdect of poison and she was looking everywhere and her leg slipped and she fell from balcony..

Avi just made a voice to help and sid heard that.

Present scene

Sid ran to her so that he coukd catch her and he catched her too in bridal style.

Avi opened her eyes and found him holding her.

Before she could lose in him she moved her gaze and he made her stand properly.

Sid:Are you ok?
He asked being concerned.

Avi:Why do u care?

She asked and her sound was breaking.

Sid:Coz you are my wife.

He said in a cold voice and some sorts of emotions was floating in his heart..

"She was nothing for me but her those words were like a knife stabbing me deeply. But Why?"

So ya guys that's for today

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Guys do read my Ff Criminal Love Season 2

Its a story of a mafia and a childish girl who have gone through so much pain but acts like she is a happy girl.

What happens between the cold hearted mafia who doesn't believe in love and onky cares for money and his family and a girl whobis chikdish and loves everyone soo much.

Will the destiny let them be one?

Peep in to know

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