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Avi:Why do you care?

Her sound was breaking and pain and sadness was clearly visible in her voice

Sid:Coz you are my wife.

He said directly looking into her eyes which was red and he found disappointment and pain in her eyes. He felt bad when she asked why he cares and mainly he is unknown about his feelings and the answer for her question.

Avi:Wife huh!
She said why huffing and sarcastically

Avi:Have you ever considered me as your wife huh?

Sid:What rubbish are you talking?..

Avi:Oh yes i always says rubbish and always be rubbish.

Sid:Are u out of ur mind or what?

He said now being angry

Avi:Why are you like this

*Started crying and disappointment was clearly visible in her voice

Avi:I cares for you, i always try to make you happy and support you in ur highs and lows. How can a wife be more lovable? How? Just say you MR SIDDHARTH NIGAM. I.. I..have feelings for you. No no i Just Fucking LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU LIKE A MADDISH PERSON. I can't see you in pain and i can't control my otions when you say u don't like me. And you only said you don't have any feelings for me.

She said crying badly and sid was trying to compose everything. Those Words I Love You was ringing in his ear drums.

Avi:Huh why am i even telling it to u? You don't even care for me. YOU WOULD BE HAPPY AS HELL WHEN I WILL DIE

And the very next moments sid placed his hand on her mouth and directly looked into her eyes

They both were reading each others eyes and silence was covered all over there.

Sid:I do care, but i don't want that feeling. I.. I just can't see you in pain. Don't know what's going on.

He said lost in her eyes and she gulped.

His next move was unexpected for her that




That he hugged her and she was shocked. He hugged her like she is his world


Hi hi hi i know some of you have thought it will be a kiss but your author is like sid devil at times😈😈

Avi hugged him back and cried and she felt very protective. She always wanted to do this. After some mins he parted her and placed his one hand behind her head. He closed his eyes and opened looking in to her deep eyes.

Avi understood what he wants to do.

Avi:Pls don't do that.

Sid did a magic and all her memory was vanished i mean he vanished everything happened in these past hour with them.

Avi fell on his arms unconcious and he made her lay on the bed.

She just lookee her or was staring her.

Sid:I don't want you to remember whatever happened between us. I lost in a game i lost in making you hate me. You just said u love me. But u will regret later. So its better if you stop this feelings for me. He said caressing her hair and left the room.

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Just imagine you as sid and avi. Whom will u support?

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Okkie see you all

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