2.Want You!

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Sid reached at the earth. He looked everywhere and the earth was so beautiful.

Sids pov
Now i should find that girl. Dada told about her tattoo so i eed to find her through that.
Pov ends

He uses some powers and at last finds where she is now and he closed hs eyes and he reached in a beautiful garden. He scanned everywhere and he found that tattoo. So he moved towards that and found a girl playing with butterflies. Her face was not visible as her hair hid her beautiful face.

Then suddenly a cold breeze blew making her hair move away and making her angellic face visible to sid.

Sid was just staring at that girl and was admiring her.

But then he shook his head and he scanned her and found that tattoo in her hand.

So the girl was, i know u all guessed it correct its Avneet.

Avu was playing with butterflies when she got a call and seeing the caller id she accepted the call.

Avu:Hloo vaish di.

So it was vaishu who called her.

Vai:Hloo avu, where are you now?

Avu:I am at my most fav place.

Vai:Ok so u are at garden na.Avu as i told you yesterday that devils are planing to come on earth so be careful.

Avu:Ya di i will.

Vai:Ok dear bye someone is here let me check who.

And the call was over avu was standing there and then she felt like someone behind her.She turned backwards and found a handsome guy standing there.

She looked at him and then directly to his eyes and found it became red and then again turned to brown.

Avu:Y.ou a..re a Devil


Vaishu went and opened the door and found a guy standing there.He was so handsome.


Vai:Hai, who are you?

Guy:Hmm yr really you forgot me.

He said it and entered the house without permission

Vai:Hey mister what are you doing. Why did u enter my house without permission?

Guy:Because i don't want.

Vai:Oh come on now pls don't disturb me mister.

Guy:Oh god you have grown so beautiful and hot.

He said scanning vaishu from top to toe.

Vaishu was now little confused. No one in earth have seen her when she was young.Then how come this guy know?

Vai:Have u seen me when i was young? 🤨

She asked raising her one brow.

Yeah, he replied simply.

Where did u see me when i was young? Asked vaishu maintaining the same expression.

Hm at our palace. You used to play with me and u loved my younger bro the most than me.And i still remember once i was angry on you and u conviced me by giving a peck on my cheeks.

He said smiling

And hearing it she was stunned after digesting everything she heard her face was pleasant and a smile crept on her face

She ran to him and tightly hugged him.And he too responded by hugging her back.

I missed u abhi.She said with a happy voice.

I also missed u vaishu.He said in the same tone.

A tear escaped from her eyes and abhi broke the hug and wiped the tear.

Vaishu i wanted to say a very very important thing!
Said abhi

Vai:Yeah say abhi. What happened?

They both settled on couch and abhi started.

Abhi:Vaishu you know whatever happened with sid na.He is so broken and you know what now he is so rude and is acting like a devil.Me and dad tried our best to make him understand but he doesn't listen us.So we came up with a plan.

Vai:What plan abhi?

Abhi:That is we have given him a challenge to marry Avneet and after some months of their marriage sid have to kill avu.But don't worry me and dad will not let him kill her but we wanted him to fall for her.

Vai:What? Abhi if anything happen to avu then.

Abhi:Vaishu don't you know our old sid? Don't you want him back?

Vai:I do but...

Abhi:I assure u nothing will happen to avu. She is like my own sis na.And you have to make her understand and she have to make sid fall for her.

Vai:Hm ok abhi i will make her understand.

Abhi:So we are going to angels world ok

Vai nodded and abhi extended his hands and she holded it and they both vanishes.

Avu:You are a devil?

Sid:Yeah i am(in a cold voice)

Avneet was little scared by him but she gathered courage and replied

Avu:Why did you came here? Don't you dare to harm people.

Sid:I won't harm these people if i get what i want.

Avu:What do you want? She asked in confusion.

Sid:I want You.
He said coldly and she widened her eyes


Hola so thats for today. Hope you guys loved it.

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