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It was noon now. Every one except sid was waiting for avu at dining table.

King:Where is avi?

Vai:I don't know dad. I haven't seen her from morning.

Abhi:siddharth where is my sister?

Sid:How can i know where your so called sister is.

He said being irritated.

King:Siddharth he is your brother.Talk propely.

Sid didn't said anything just concentrated on his breakfast.

Vai:Don't know why i feel like something bad is happening with muskan.I need to check.

Abhi:Ok vaishu i will also accompany you.

And saying this they both went in search of avu.

Searching for almost 15minutes they came near siddharth room.

Vaishu slowly opened the door and entered inside that big room with abhi.

Their gaze were finding where avu is.

But then vaishu saw a body on the floor.Due to the bed she was not able to see that face so she moved closer and seeing it her eyes widened.


Vaishu screamed making abhi jolt.

Abhi came near vaishu and had the same expression as that of hers.

They saw avu laying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by blood.

Blood was oozing from her wrist as her bangles were made of glass so when it broke it created a deep cut on her wrist.

Hearing the scream king also reached and saw avu in that condition.

Sid also came but he used his invisible power so that no one can see him.

He saw avu laying on the floor, blood oozing from her wrist.

His eyes widened and he even didn't know what happend him that time.He was feeling guilty.

Abhi took avu in bridal style laid her on the bed.

King:Call doctor.

Abhi called the doctor and doctor came there with in some minutes.

(Its a castle so ya doctors are already staying there)

Dr checked avi and said

Dr:She have lost so much blood and we need to give her blood as soon as possible. If you fail then you will loss her forever. As she lost too much blood her energy level is low and oxygen level is also low. I will setup oxygen but we need blood and that too of her blood group.

Vai:Her blood group is AB Negative. Which is the most rare blood group in this world and earth.

Abhi:Wait...yes siddharths blood group is AB Negative.

She said feeling a bit releave


Vai:We shall call him.


And saying it abhi, king and vaishu went outside the room only siddharth, doctor and avi was present there.

Siddharths heart was beating slowly and his gaze were fixed on avi.After taking a deep breath he stopped being invisible and now he is visible.

Dr:Hei Prince you here? You were not here till now.

The dr asked out of blue.

Siddharth being siddharth didn't reply and directly went near avi.He was admiring her and said.

I will give her blood

Dr:Are you sure?

Sidd nodded as response.

Dr guided him to sit on the bed.

Dr:You shall lay down.

Sid:I am ok like this.

Dr:We need 2 bottles of blood and it will make you feel dizzy.That's why i am saying.

Siddharth nodded and took a glance of avu laying just beside him

He laid down and dr started doing his work.

Dr made avu wear oxygen mask as the oxygen level in her body was low.

On the other side abhi was sitting on the couch.

Vai:Abhi instead of searching sid u are just sitting here.

Abhi:He is with her only.



King:How do u know?

Abhi:I saw him entering the room with us.But the thing is he used his vanishing power.

Vai:That means sidd will give avi blood?

Abhi:Hm, but he won't agree he did.You wait and sew he will make the doctor say that someone else donated her blood.

Vai:Is he changing abhi?

Abhi smiled and said

For her only.

Hope you all loved it.

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Read my new ff The Spy.

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I used to edit in picsart but my phone doesn't have space so ya i need help

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