5.I am ready

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Avneet was was sitting in a couch next to abhi and abhi took a deep breath before saying everything to her.

Abhi:Avneetayy today i am going to say whatever happened after you both left.

Avneet nodded her head and she paid full attention to his words.

Abhi:You know that your parents were killed by devils.After your parents death mom was very sad as she lost her best friend.You both left to earth after somedays and mom was worried for you two.Weeks passed but mom was still very sad and disappointed and the devil king came to know this.He send an akuma and it evilised mom.(Akuma is a kind of butterfly which is created by devils and it can change an angel who is sad, angry or anything under the devils control)

The devils king wanted to kill siddharth because he knew siddharth was the only person in this whole universe who can kill him.So he ordered ma to kill sid.She tried to kill by adding poison in his food and in many ways but he was saved like a miracle.But then father came to know about it and he told me.

We both were scared and then the lucifer attacked on us our kingdom.We fought aganist them and meanwhile mom was going  to use her power to kill siddharth.He didn't see as mom was going to attack from behind.Before she could attack him father used his powers on her and the akuma was destroyed and hearing the cry of mom sid turned and saw his mom falling down.Mom's head was on his lap and he was crying he misunderstood that father killed mom without any reason. And he started hatting dad.Then the devil took it as a chance and he filled negative thoughts in the young siddharths mind and siddharth believed that devils are better and powerful and angels betrays.The lucifer used his power on sid and a tattoo appeared on sids chest and it was of devils.When he will be 24 on the poornima night he will completely change to a devil.We can't let him ne a devil.If he becomes devil then no one can defeat lucifer.And we can only bring sid back to an angel only by vanishing his tattoo and that can only be done by you.You have to make him believe in love make him fall for you.

Abhi finished saying and looked at avu with hopeful eyes.

Vaishnavi looked at avu who was looking at abhi

Vai:Muskan you have to marry siddharth.

And avneets eyes widened hearing that.She quickly looked at vaishu and vaishu smiled weakly

Avu:M..arr..y Hi..m?
She was shuttering.

King:Dear for changing him we gave him a challenge to marry you and after 8 months of your marriage he have to kill you.But till that time you have to make him fall for you so that he can't attack you and understand the value of love.Don't worry he can't do anything to you because me and abhi will protect you.

Avus gaze was down. She was really sad for whatever happened with siddharth.

I am ready.
Avneet said while looking up.

Are you sure beta?
The king asked

Yes i am. I.. i am feeling very bad for him.He lost his mom and infront of him and too at a small age.Its too preposterous. If i can give happiness for him then i will surely do it.I will marry him.Don't know whether he will fall for me or love me but i will love him more than anything.

She completed her words and sighed

Abhi hugged avu and she too hugged back.

You are a real angel avneetayy.

And she smiled.

You are the best brother too abhi bhaiya she mumbled.

After few passing seconds abhineet broke their hug.

King:So avu your marriage is at 5pm.Go and get ready.

Avu nodded.

King:And beta vaishnavi and abhi you both know i am being old so i wanted to see my abhi marriage before i am called on my address. So can you both marry at the same time with siddharth and avneet

He asked with a pure smile as he knew that the answer would be yes.

Abhinavi looked each other and they smiled.Abhi moved towards vaishu and kneeled down.

Abhi took vaishus one hand and kissed it

I hope the answer would be yes.So shall i believe that you are ready to my beloved wife?

Vaishu smiled brightly and her cheeks were pink now
She nodded as response.

And they both hugged eachother.

King:ok then i am going to take some rest
Saying this king left and vaishneet went to there room.And abhi to his.

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