21.Don't you dare👿

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Avi was really scared and she was not even able to move.

Sm1 smirks and his sharp tooth was seen ouside. Its edges were sharp and and was sparkling.

Avi:F... ed.. rick..

Her voice was breaking and her palpitation was increasing.

So the guy was Fedrick

|Fedrick is a negative character. He is a vampire and he once tried to attack avi but vaishu saved her.Avi is very scared of Fedrick and he knows that |

Fedrick:Hei avneet, what happened? Looking so scared and have to say you have become so hot.

He said with a smirk and moving close to her

Avi moved backward or we can say was sliding slowly till her body hit the tree.Her eyes was fixed on the guy infront of her and she knew something is cooking in his mind which is for sure is harmful for her.

He came closer and kneels down and smirked.

Fe:I still remeber, before someyears when you were young your so called elder sister saved you from me but who will save you today ha?

He said and pulled avi by her hair and she screamed in pain.

He harshly left her making her collied with the tree.

Avi closed her eyes and remembered what her sister and mom thought her.

Avis pov

They told me that never show your weak side and fight against them till ur last breath.

Pov ends

She inhaled air and then exhaled letting her nerves calm and opened her eyes which was burning with anger.

She used her power against him and he fell down.

But this action of made him more curious and he started attacking her too.

After 10 mins avi had some bruise in her body and he too had but not much as avi.

He tricked her to defeat her and now she was standing weakly with the support of tree, breathing heavily.

Fe:Huh, you were a fool to fight with me and now just wait and suffer for your mistake and he came close her her and pushed her and she fell down and tears was flowing down her cheeks.

He grabbed her hair and harshly made her stand and avi was groaning in pain and trying to free her hair but all in vain.

He made her collide with the tree and her back hitted the tree, her both hands was holded by him and he slowly moved towards her face and she tried to jerk him but she was so weak her tears was flowing like a stream and his nose touched her skin and she gulped her saliva.

His sharp tooth was just few inches away from her neck and before he coukd stuck his teeth and suck her blood a loud furious and dangerous voice made him stop.

Sm1:Don't You Dare To Touch Her.

He turned and saw siddharth whose eyes were red due to anger and his jaws clenched.

Sid:Don't you dare to touch her Fedrick.

He said dangerously like a warning.

Fe:And why would i listen to you?

And that was enough for sid, he used his magic and attacked fedrick and fedrick was at the verge of death now.

Siddharth stops attacking

Fe:Why are you protecting her? Why?

He asked while breathing heavily.

Sid:So listen "She is my Wife".


Sid:And never ever try to look after her if you does then be ready for your death.

And then fedrick vanished from there and sid went towards avi who was very weak.

Avi was feeling better and happy hearing her husband saying "She is my wife".

But her situation was so bad that she was not even able to stand.

Sid came near her and kneeled down and used his one hand to hold her chin and asked.

"Are you ok"

His voice had a concern and it melted her.

She started crying and he circled his one arm around her body and she dig her head inside his chest and cried

Avi:If you were not here then he would have

She said or should i say she mumbled but audible for sid.

Before she could complete he interrupted in between  and said

'No one will dare to touch you till i am here.I won't let anything happen to you'

Avi and sid had a deep eyelock both lost in eachothers eyes.

Having different sorts of unknown feeling.

Avi:Can i ask you something?

Sid hummed

Avi:How did you came to know i was in danger?

And that question made time remember something...

That's for today.

Hope you all loved it and ya comment your thoughts on how sid came to know about avi in danger.

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