20.Who is that? 😨

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It was almost 10:30 at night and avi was still not back.

Siddharth was waiting for her and now he was getting bad vibes.

Sids pov

Where is she? Why do i feel like she is in some danger? And these bad vibes... Aahhhh i hate those. I think i hurt her too much but she doesn't wanted to keep an expectation because she is going to be killed by me only. But she doesn't know what her fate is!Don't know why but for the first time in my life i am waiting for someone and that too tensed.

Pov ends

On the other side.

Avi sitting under a tree in a park crying and sobbing.

Her face was red due to crying and due to the cold.

She sniffed and looked at the stars. She was just thinking about something when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder and she gasped and turned to see who it was and her eyes came out of sockets when she saw him.

Her throat became dry and her heart was beating faster.

Her face had a frown and she gulped her saliva. The cold breeze hitted her cold body which was just like a statue after seeing that person.

Who will be that person?

Is it siddharth or someone else?

Lets see what will happen....

Cliff hanger😁😁

So ya thats for today...

Small chapter as i am having so much to study and as you guys finished goals i just updated.

Goals :63+votes 50 comments

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