10.Forgive him

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It was around 3am and the atmosphere was really cold. Sid was feeling thirsty so he stood up and went to the other side of bed where the water bottle was kept on the side table.

He drank some water and again was going to his bed when he found a figure sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

He went close to her and it was avneet.(I know u guys know)

She was shivering a bit and  the moonlight fell on her face adding the beauty of her.

He was staring her with no expression but his one hand moved towards the hair strands falling on her face and he tucked it behind her ears.

After scanning her for 1minute he closed his eyes and then a duvet appeared in his hand and he covered her with duvet.She smiled a bit. Then he made her sleep in a comfortable position and went to his bed and layed

Sids pov

Don't know what happened to me.From the first time i saw her i was feeling very different. What's happening to me.But i know i have to keep distance from her.

And thinking all this he slept.

Next Morning...

Avneet woke up yawning and stretching her body.She opened her eyes slowly and smiled. She sat there for some seconds and stood up and then she noticed the duvet.

Who placed this duvet here?

She went to washroom did her daily chorus and went to vaishu.

Vaishu was at the garden so avu went there. She saw abhinavi there.Vaishnavi had placed her head on abhis shoulder and both their hands were intertwined

Avu awwed seeing this. She didn't go near them as she don't wanted to disturb them.

She started walking in the garden which was very lavish.The garden was filled with different shades of flowers adding the beauty.

Really nature is amazing

She thought while enjoying the beauty.

While walking her eyes fell on a figure.

She was not able to see that persons face due to the bush so she moved closer to get a keen look.

Her jaw dropped seeing her husband beating a guy.That guy was pleading.
Blood was oozing from that guys face.

She went near them and asked.

What are you doing? Why are you beating this poor guy.

She asked while helping that guy to sit straight.

Sid:Look don't poke your nose on my things.

he said coldly.

Avi:I will, if you can beat up a guy without any reason then i can also ask.

She said being furious.

Sid:Don't you dare to raise your voice you silly girl

He said while giving her the world most scariest glare.

Avi was scared now but stil she helped that guy to stand up.

Avi:Can you pls say what's the reason? Why are you beating him?

Sid:He only wanted it.

Avi looked at the guy who was bleeding so much.

Avi:What did you did?
She asked to the guy

Guy:I..i.. j..us..t w..a..nted..to..h..a.ve..a..fi..gh..t..wi..th..h..im..to..pr..ove

He said while shuttering

(I wanted to have a fight with him to prove my self the strongest)

Avi:Are you mad that you wanted that?

That guy looked down

Sid:You stupid fellow it should be a lesson for everyone and sid was going to beat him but avi came in between.

Avi:Please don't beat him anymore he will die.

She pleaded

Sid:Why are you caring for this shit?

Avi:Because i can understand his pain and he is guilty for what ever he thought so please forgive him.

She said joining her hands which made sid back up.

Sid turned to go when she caught his wrist and he turned

Avi :Thank you.

She said with a small smile

And he just stared her and then went from there.

Avneet helped the boy and asked the guards to apply medicine to him.

She also asked the guards to leave the guy at his house.

Without wasting time she went to abhinavi but they were not there.

So she went inside the palace and found both of them sitting on the couch near the window

She greeted them and told them whatever happened.

Abhi was soo shocked hearing all this.

Abhi:What? Seriously he left that guy?
He asked widening his eyes.

Avu nodded.

Abhi:In his life time he had never left a person who asked to fight with him
And today he left him for you.Its..its unbelievable

Avu:He..l..eft that.. gu..y for me..

She asked not able to digest what abhi said.

Abhi:Yes and that too for the first time in his life he is listening to someone except mom.

Abhi stated.


So ya guyd that's for now.Hope you all like it.

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