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Vaishneet broke the hug and both wiped tears present on their face.

Sidshek who was watching all this really adored this sisters love.

And sidshek felt sad as they both were siblings but still didn't interact like vaishneet.

Vai:Hei ashu and abhi where are you both lost?

She asked eyeing towards sidd and abhi who were lost in their own dreamland.

Abhi:Hm nothing vaishu.
He said giving a fake smile to her and at that instant itself she understood it was a fake one but didn't said anything and smiled back.

Sid:I will take care of this girl. I will protect her.

He said looking at vaishnavi.

An unknown smile took its way towards her face when she heard him saying that.

Vaishnavi went near sid and asked him to lean.

He raised his eyebrow in a confusion manner but he leaned a till the height of vaishu.

Vaishu placed her both hands on either side of his face and placed a peck on his forehead and he closed his eyes.

He was feeling very very happy from inside but still maintained his rude cold face.

Both sidnavi stood straight and vaishu smiled.

Vai:Anshu i know you will protect my younger sister.

Avu:Wah di you didn't kissed me.

She said while faking sadness and vaishu laughed and kissed on avus cheeks which she returned.

Abhi:Oh come on vaishu
Give them some space.

Abhi said

Avu:Acha di i think someone is really jealous😏😏.

She said smirking.

Abhi:I am not jealous and why would i be jealous?

Avu:I didn't mention its you bhaiya😏.And ya you will be jealous as di is giving pecks to us na.

She said teasing abhi.

And he went red due to embracement.

Sid went inside the room and avu looked him going.

Avi:I should go now di and bhai

Abhinavi nodded

Avi went inside the room and closed the door.

Abhinavi went to their room.

Vaishu and abhi changed themselves into comfy clothes.

Vaishu tied her hair with a bun.

Abhi was sitting on the edge of bed lost in a deep thought.

Vaishu settled near him and placed her hand on abhis shoulder.

Abhi came out from his thought and looked at vaishu

Vai:Kya hua abhi? Looking so sad.

Abhi:Hm nothing.

He said again giving a fake smile.

Vai:Now stop showing thid fake smile.I can understand the difference between your true and fake smile.And why was you sad there when i was hugging avu?

Abhi:Vaishu i miss my chotte so much who was so sweet towards everyone. When you and avi hugged each other i just remembered how me and my chotte used to hug like that.I.. i really miss him vaishu.

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