26.Confessed or not?

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Guysss i am really so sorry. When i opened the app it was showing some problems and all and due to that i was not able to update.

Lets continue...

Avi woke up rubbing her eyes and yawning.

Her eyes were heavy due to crying last night and she was not able to remember anything about last night

Avi:Ahh i am not able to remember anything
Just i can recall is that he said he doesn't have any feelings for me.

And thinking that she felt a pang on her heart.

She left to closet and after doing her daily chorus she went to vaishu. Avi was so dull and everyone noticed it.

It was about 11:30 at morning and avi was in the balcony just lost in her world.

Vaihu came there and found avi.

Vai:Muskaan why are you so dull and off today?

Avi:Nothing di leave it.

Vai:Areey yrr batao to sahi.

Avi:Told u na there is nothing to worry.

Vai:Look muskaan i know you more than anyone.

Batao aashu se jadgda hua?

Avi looked at her sister and broke into her arms crying.

Avi:Di i am done with all this drama. I can't manage this. He Doesn't have any sorts of feeling for me. He juat said that to papa and bhai.

Vai:Arey avi you know na he wants to be a devil and he won't accept anything this soon. But i am damn sure he has some feelings for you.

Avi:No di he doesn't

Vai:Ok then let's test.



Avi:I hope he have some feelings for me. Pls bhagwaan.

Skip to court.

Abhi, king and siddharth was present there and avi and vaishu was there to say something

Abhi:What happened girls?

Vai:We wanted to tell u and sid something.

Abhi:Acha say

Vai:There is a party at the heaven hills hall.And my old bestie riya has called me and avi so we wanted to go and if u both wanna come then do come.

Abhi:Ha we will think

Vai:Hm and u know what abhi vaishak is coming.

Abhi:Wait what? That stupid is coming?

Vai:Yeah and he is not stupid he is damn handsome.

Abhi:Huh duffer and we are coming

Avi :Ohh bhai is being possessive 🤭🤭

Abhi:Obviously avneetayy as she is my wife and that stupid will flirt with her 😒😒😒.

Vai:Huh whatever

Sid:I am not coming.

Avi looked at vaishu and vaishu blinked her eyes assuring her.

Vai:But why aashu?

Sid:Coz i am not interested.

Vai:Acha ok.

And she turned to avi.

Vai:Muskaan you have to be alone in the party coz i will join my friends and about abhi he will be busy with talking and all and u will be left alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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