19.Avi is hurt

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First of all i would like to say sorry for updating late and ya i can't even promise you guys that i can update correctly but ya i will try my best.

And ya guys i am going to write a new ff on Neirohi. I recently found them from yrkkh and i loved their duo. So thought to start one. So if you guys like them do read it.I haven't published it but will publish soon..

Three days passed and everything was normal.

Siddharth being siddharth the akdu one never showed a soft corner towards avi but deep inside his heart he was having some feelings which was miserable and something incomprehensible.

But he always used to forget that feeling and tried to drown himself in some works but  it was immutable.

Sid's pov
Fuck off these feelings. I hate these stupid feelings. Its preposterous. Why can't my this fucking shit heart understand that all these kind of feelings flooding inside me is just an infatuation. And this Siddharth Nigam is not someone who will listen to heart just like those dumb peeps.

Pov ends.

The feeling which was disturbing him was about avi.He was having a different sort of feeling for her.Till this age no one in his life ever understood him nor tried to.And she was the one who understood his condition and presented him something can't be valued from his point of view.
But he can't accept his feeling, because if he need to accept then he have to cross the stride which is not so simple for him.His 'Ego'.

Avi is found sitting on the bed with a frown on her face.

Avis pov

What the hell does he think he is? Like seriously? I just gave him the best gift even i could give and i know he was happy but why is he avoiding me? I haven't done anything wrong.Why can't he just forgive me.And why id he ignoring me? He doesn't know how much it hurts.He never sits with me for food come very late at night or sometimes he doesn't even come.I think i have fone a mistake by presenting that gift.

Pov ends.

While thinking all this tears started flowing down her cheeks.

She wiped tears using back of her hand and went outside not before placing a fake smile.

While going she found sid there standing at the balcony.

She went towards him with a bright smile on her face

Avi:Hei hubby, why are standing here?

Sid:Non of your business.
(He said coldly).

Avi:Why are you being rude and cold? Have i done any mistake?

Sid:Look i am not interested to talk now as i have some works to do!

Avi:I am noticing that from past few days you are avoiding me.
She complained.

Sid:What's ur problem? I need some lonely time so fuck off.

Avi:I have no problem, and its you who have problem.

In a furious tone filled with pain and sadness.

Sid:Don't you dare to raise your voice.I won't show any mercy to kill you.

He warned looking at her clenching his jaw and his eyes turned to red.

Avi was now very furious and hurt that she started telling whatever had in her mind.She was soo frustrated and she raised her voice and talked while tears started flowing.

Avi:Why are you like this?Are you a blind or are you acting as one? Everyday i tries to talk to you but you never talks to me and mainly ignores me. I don't know whether you know it or not but your these actions hurt me a lot.It always gives me pain.I am your wife but till this date you haven't talked to me properly and have never spend time with me.I thought that the gift will make you happy a but i was wrong. I am just a fool who always try to talk to you and get close to you.Because u don't care for me and will never care.

She ranted and all her pain was visible.

She ran from there and sid was dumbstruck. He never thought she will be that sad and now he was also feeling bit guilt for his behavior

He hit on the wall in frustration and went to his gym where he shows his frustration.


Will siddharth ask sorry?

Where would have avi gone to?

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