18.I am sorry🥺

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For a few beautiful minutes both were lost in eachother. But then when sid got his senses back he slowly aparted her and asked.

Sid:Why did you come here? (Cold)

Avi:I already informed you but you was not ready to come with me.

She said complaining

Sid:You are preposterous

He said while walking

Avi:How can u even say that?

Sid:With my tounge.

He said plainly.

Avi:Huh you and your

She was going to say something but stopped when he glared at her

He used his magic to create a big magical circle. He went through it and reached the palace
Avi followed him and reached at the palace with him.

Skip to night

It was sharp 12 Am and abhi was cutting his birthday cake. Siddharth was present there but didn't cut the cake nor joined im that happiness

Abhi gave cake to everyone and came to sid
But sid didn't took the cake and left the party.

Avi saw this and also found abhi was sad but to cheer him she said.

Avi:Ahmm now its time for gifts

She said while chirping like a bird lightning abhis mood.

Avi gave him the flower and abhi hugged her and she kissed on his cheeks and wished him bday

King also gave abhi a painting done by the most famous artist of their world and now at last it was vaishus turn

Vaishu went closer to abhi and passed him a box.He took it and opened it. At first he saw a birthday card made by vaishu, after that a small box was there. Abhi took it and looked at vaishu who was smiling but a little blush was visible.

Abhi opened the box and found a paper rolled and tied with a red ribbon. He untied the ribbon and opened the paper and after reading it he looked at vaishu with shining eyes. Everyone was confused even sid was watching all this being invisible.

Abhi:Is it true vaishu?

He asked being inpatient.

She nodded and without wasting time abhi hugged her and kissed her cheeks and then her tummy

Avi:Can you guys say what really happened?

Abhi:Avneetaay you are soon going to be a chachi.

Avu was so happy and she hugged vaishu.


Vai:Ha avi and she kissed avi.

Avi:I am soooo happy for u di.I swear i will take care of you.

Vai:Ha ha i know.

King also congratulated them and left.

[Are you guys happy as or abhinavi is going to be parents 😍😍]

Party was over and siddharth left to his rooms balcony.Whaen ever he felt loneliness he used to spend time there.

That place was calm and the cold breeze was all round.He was feeling good but his chain of thoughts broke when he heard her voice from behind.


He turned and saw avi standing with something in her hand.

Avi:Why are you here? And why did you left the party?

Sid:Non of your business. My life my wish

He said sternly and rudely

Avi:Oh come on why are you being rude now? I am being good to you.

Sid:As if you are doing any favor for me.

Avi:Ok ok i don't want to have a fight in this good day.

Avi extended a frame coverd with a red cloth to him

He looked at her in confusion and raised his one eyebrow

Avi:Happy birthday

And he was dumbstruck.

Avi:I don't know you will like it or not but i have done all my efforts to make it the most beautiful.

Sids gaze went towards that frame

He took it from her hand and removed the cloth and again he got another surprise

It was a drawing of siddharth with his mother.He is standing smiling near his mom and his mom sitting on a chair.

His heart was beating rhythmically and after looking that picture for some time he looked at avi who was looking at him.

He didn't know what happened but different sorts of emotions were flooding inside him.

He stayed like that but avi came closer and stood in her toe and gave a peck on his left cheek.

He didn't reacted he was just frozen.

Avi removed those hair which was falling on his face. And he was just looking her doing that.

After 1 min he was going to leave but she stopped him holding his wrist.

Avi:I am sorry.

She said in a low voice

Avi:I am sorry for that day for...it was something unexpected.

(She is talking about their kiss from chap 16)

Sid didn't uttered a word and left that room leaving avi alone.

Avi gasped and took a deep breath and looked at thr stars and said

I will be always with him.I know he was there at the party till it ended.But he never accepts his feelings. I know he love abhi bhaiya and di.Maybe he hate his father but after knowing truth he won't. I don't know how, when and all   but i can say i am falling for him.


I am updating it late as you guys finished goals yesterday only.


Pls comment

Tag ur favorite or worst part.

Hope u all loved it.

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