People who secretly wish to be you.
Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul.
good girls go to heaven.
bad girls go everywhere.
Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and wishing they were right there with you.
Someday, someone's going to look at you like you're the best thing in the world.
You're always trying to see yourself through the eyes of someone else.
We carry these things inside us that no one else can see. They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out at sea.
People fall in love in mysterious ways..
I want to be the reason why you look down at your phone, smile and then walk into a pole.
Music is the only language we all understand.
When I call my parents & they don't answer it's no big deal but when they call me & I don't answer it's like world war III.
I see 1000 boys.
I know 100 boys.
I talk to 10 boys.
I love 1 boy. <3
Some days, I feel everything at once. Other days, I feel nothing at all.
Too much perfection is a mistake.
Maybe one day it will be ok again. That's all I want. I don't care what it takes. I just want to be ok again.
I may come off rude af sometimes but if you smile at me in the hallways, I will smile right back.
It's 4 am. You're sleeping. I'm crying.
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