Part 82

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Du sagst, dass ich komisch bin? Ich bin kaputt, müde, einsam, ungewollt, verlassen, ungeliebt, missverstanden und letztendlich innerlich tot. Aber egal. Nennen wir es einfach 'Komisch'!

und wenn Worte nicht mehr reichen, fangen Tränen an zu sprechen.

Nichts kann einen Menschen so hässlich machen, wie ein schlechter Charakter.

Wäre ich doch nur nicht so verdammt verletzlich. :/

Don't touch my man. Don't message my man. Don't text him & don't worry about him. He's mine and I'm crazy enough to kill you.

Manchmal schätzt man etwas erst, wenn es nicht mehr da ist. - Majoe

Die meisten Fehler im Leben machen wir, wenn wir zu viel fühlen, wo wir eigentlich denken sollten und zu viel denken, wo wir fühlen sollten.

Don't let people treat you like a cigarette, they only use you when they're bored and step on you when they're done. Be like drugs, let them die for you.

'Für immer' bedeutet heutzutage doch eh nur noch 'bis etwas besseres kommt'.

Der richtige Zeitpunkt um jemanden den Rücken zuzuwenden ist gekommen, wenn man ihm in die Augen schaut und nicht mehr zwischen Lüge und Wahrheit untetscheiden kann.

The person who loves you most will fight with you everyday without any reason. But whenever you're sad, that person will fight with the world to end your sadness.

When the smoke is in your eyes you look so alive..

Old ways won't open new doors.

Oh well, I still hope for the best.

His music needed one thing. Her.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. - Bob Marley

I always smile like an idiot when I talk to you.

My list of what makes me happy: 1.You. (M)

I wish I could see what you really think of me..

ok puberty.. jokes over.. you can make me hot now

My voice is girl when I talk to strangers but when I'm with friends I turn into Morgan Freeman LoL

I'm a teenager. My music will tell you a lot more about me than my mouth ever could.

Apology accepted, trust denied.

Hey sorry I'm late. I didn't want to come.

The limit is not in the sky. The limit is in the mind.

I love people who can make me laugh, when I don't even want to smile.

You should have opened your eyes. I was crazy for you.

Eye contact is a dangerous, dangerous thing. But lovely. Oh, so lovely.

fall asleep in his arms every night.

I go to bed late every night and I realize it was bad idea every morning.

Forever is a long, long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Tell me, every day, I get to wake up to that smile. I wouldn't mind it at all.

You smile, but you wanna cry. You talk, but you wanna be quiet. You pretend like you're happy, but you aren't.

I wanna sleep in your arms.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Vielleicht fuehlst du ja das selbe wie ich. Nur halt eben nicht fuer mich.

Ich schreibe weiter meine Smileys. Ich reiße weiter meine Witze. Achja, Lächeln nicht vergessen. Muss ja nicht jeder wissen, wie scheiße es mir geht.

Dieser halbe Herzinfarkt, wenn sich die Person, die dir mal viel bedeutet hat, nach Monaten meldet.

1 Universum, 8 Planeten, 7 Meere, 7 Kontinente, 809 Inseln, 204 Länder. Und ich hatte das Pech dich kennenzulernen!

There are days when I just fucking hate everybody.

My boyfriend isn't allowed to watch animal planat. He might see his ex there. ;)

An ugly personality destroys a beautiful face.

people only get jealous when they care.

People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.

his eyes, and the way he smiles. (M)

It hurts when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were.

I'm so in love that I can't even understand it.

You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions.

You say I'm dirty minded... but how did you understand what I meant? ;)

Love is not complicated, people are.

I'm wearing clothes as dark as my soul.

Those lips are missing yours.

Wir Mädchen schauen uns gerne Sixpacks an, was nicht heißt, dass unser Traumjunge unbedingt eins haben muss.

Träumen von Momenten die sowieso nie geschehen werden.. :/

Nur weil es Monate her ist, heißt es nicht, dass ich es vergessen habe! (M) :(

~Sprüche~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt