Part 85

206 19 2

There's a 'hell' in hello, 'good' in goodbye, 'lie' in believe, 'over' in lover, 'end' in friend & an 'if' in life.

I love when someone remembers something I told them a long time ago.

Live a better life by controlling your stress. Control your stress by not worrying about things that you can't change.

Please don't be in love with someone else. :/ (M)

You can't treat people like shit and then expect them to love you.

I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.

Damn, your eyes. (M, like a tiger)

People wait all week for friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness.

And I love you. I swear that's true.

What if he stares at you everytime you look away?

I left because you never asked me to stay.

The thing is feelings don't walk away. People do.


My parents aren't rich but they've always found a way to make sure I had anything I ever needed or wanted and for that I'm forever grateful.

The greatest thing, you'll ever learn is just love. And be loved in return.

I don't need you, but I want you..

'smoking kills' well, everybody will die one day..

Your lips tasted like nicotine and I got addicted.

Omg, shut up.

Queens don't compete with hoes. ;)

Sometimes we hate school, but sometimes it is the only place to forget our problems at home.

Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait but it's more difficult to regret.

Du hast so viel gesagt, ohne es zu meinen. Du hast so viel gemacht, ohne es zu fühlen. Und du hast so viel zerstört, ohne es zu merken.

Meine Augen sind der Spiegel meiner Seele. Ich kann lächeln, obwohl meine Seele weint. Ich kann weinen auch wenn ich glücklich bin. Meine Augen können viele Menschen täuschen. Nur wer mich wirklich kennt, kann in ihnen sehen wie ich mich wirklich fühle. Solange du das nicht erkennst, nicht in meinen Augen lesen kannst, hast du mich nie wirklich gekannt.

No one ever gets tired of loving. They just get tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, saying sorry and hurting.

~Sprüche~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt