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(In this Story Bruno doesn't live with the Madrigals anymore. He moved to a house)

You stared at the strange looking building in front of you.

Mirabel smiled, gently grabbing your hand and leading you to the door.
"Yep. He used to live in the walls of Casita, so a house is definitely the better choice."

You lightly chuckled, nodding in agreement.

You watched as she knocked a couple of times, her smile slightly widening as she heard footsteps approaching the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a tired looking man in his 40s. He had black curly hair and was wearing a green poncho.

You saw how his eyes slightly widened when he saw you, but he quickly hid it with a sheepish smile.

You noticed his eyes on your figure for just a second, before he averted his gaze to his niece.

"Hello Mirabel and uh ... Y/N."

You waved awkwardly, a smile forming on your face, while Mirabel immediately ran up to him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Seeing those two reunited made you feel happy for them.

Mirabel turned back to you, ushering you to get inside with them as well.

You hesitated, giving Bruno a questioning look. He smiled, gently nodding to let you know you could come in.

You returned the smile, suddenly remembering something.
"You guys can go ahead without me, i'll catch up to you. There's something I wanted to see."

There was a questioning look on Mirabel's face, while Bruno had shrugged it off and already went ahead.

She shrieked, turning around to catch up with him.

You went around the house, recognizing a familiar river. The river that granted the family Madrigal their magic.

And also the river where Pedro Madrigal had lost his life to soldiers.

It still saddened you to think about it.
You were sure Pedro was a great person and he didn't deserve that fate.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, right?

You sat down at the river, picking up a flower and inspecting it.

It was a daffodil.

It was the most beautiful flower you had ever seen. What a coincidence that you found it at this river.

You felt the light wind brush your face as you took a breath of the fresh air surrounding you.

You liked to come to this river occasionally.
You weren't sure why, but you felt like you had a weird connection to it.

You found comfort being near the river.
Sometimes it felt like Pedro was still here, by this river, able to embrace you with warmth whenever you needed it.

Even though you've never met him personally, you felt like you knew him.

You were pulled out of your thoughts as you felt someone sit down beside you.

Your gaze drifted to that person, softening when you saw it was Mirabel.

You smiled, gently placing your hand on top of hers.
"Hey, I thought you were inside with Bruno?"

She looked confused for a second, but she quickly covered it with a smile.

"O-oh, yeah, right. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

You smiled, rolling your eyes, secretly appreciating the way she would always worry for you.

"Well, I am alive and breathing as you can see."

You chuckled, leaning your head on her shoulder. You felt her slightly stiffen, making you look up at her, concern written over your face.

"Mira, are you okay?"

She gulped, her gaze slowly meeting yours, except this time there was a frown on her face.

You sat up straight again, feeling the awkward tension rise up.

She averted her gaze to the ground before saying something that made you raise an eyebrow.

"Y/N, do you have feelings for me?"

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