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TW: blood, disturbing stuff, gore

𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗚𝗛𝗧 about your options for a second. You could easily leave Casita and never come back again, hopefully forgetting the family and living your old, boring life.

You could also stay and try to figure out what's been going on lately. Especially with Mirabel suddenly gone after she talked to Camilo. And also Dolores ... She was acting weird. Oh and the thing with Camilo.

The only person that wasn't acting anxious and scared all the time was Isabela, so maybe you could talk about it to her?
Did you want to though?

You let out a sigh, rubbing your temples.
Too much happened in the span of a few days. Your brain couldn't handle it.

You glared at the door before finally placing your hand on the doorknob and pushing it down. Except the door didn't budge.

You raised an eyebrow, trying to open it again. Your eyes widened once you realized that the door was locked. By someone, not by Casita itself.

You backed away from the door and into the darkness of the usually bright and colorful home.

"What the hell is happening ..."

You flinched as you felt arms wrap around your form from behind you, trying to pry yourself out of their grasp.

You stopped when you heard them chuckle lowly, feeling their warm breath on the back of your neck.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You're finally mine, can you believe it?!"

You held your breath, a shiver running down your spine once you realized who it was.


He grinned, turning you around to face him, while still holding you close to his body.
"Yes! Oh wait, maybe it's Mirabel!"
He shifted into her, bringing his face closer to yours.

"Maybe i'm Dolores! Maybe Isa? How about Antonio, or actually Luisa? I could be anyone!"

You cried out, trying to pry yourself out of his grasp as he continued, shapeshifting into all of the people in his family.

Overwhelmed by the whole situation, you kicked him in the stomach, resulting in him stumbling back and giving you a chance to escape his arms.


He frowned for a second before wiping it off and replacing it with a smile.
"Why, my dear? Don't you miss your sweet little Mirabel?"

You glared at him, your heartrate picking up at the mention of your lover.
"What do you mean by miss?"

His smile widened as he opened one of his hands, revealing a finger, a pool of blood surrounding it.

You instantly looked away, the urge to vomit coming up. Your eyes started to water as you backed off once again, letting out a yelp as you tripped over something and fell on your back with a thud.

You tried to scoot away, holding a hand up to your mouth as he walked towards you, cornering you into a wall. He leaned down, bringing his face closer to yours.

"Isn't this what you wanted, my love? You were provoking me by spending time with my cousin! I know you were just trying to make me jealous, but enough is enough."

Tears continued streaming down your face as you let out a shaky breath, turning your head away from his piercing gaze.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Camilo. W-what did you do to Mirabel?"

He let out a hum, grabbing your chin with one hand and turning it so you would look at him again.

"I could tell you, Y/N. But I don't think you would want to know. You would be sad and I don't like seeing you sad."

Your breath hitched as your tears started to cry even more violently at his words.
Sad? SAD?

You wanted to yell at him, punch him, tell him how much you hate him, but you didn't have any energy left to do so.

You sobbed, feeling the world around you slowly fade into nothing but darkness.

But before you completely passed out, you heard him say something, an innocent grin plastered onto his face.

"You're mine, Y/N. You're gonna learn to live with that."

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌.Where stories live. Discover now