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You flinched at the sound of Camilo's voice.
You had forgotten about his presence.

Glancing at him, you noticed the confused expression on his face. He looked like a lost puppy.

You sighed, scratching the nape of your neck in embarrassment as Camilo watched you with slight amusement.
"Yes, i'm okay, why're you asking?"

He raised an eyebrow, looking away.
You followed his gaze to see that he was staring at the door you had just slammed open.

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe because my best friend suddenly just barged into my room and started looking around the room in panick?"

"Oh." Your mouth formed into an o-shape.
"Right, my bad, uhm ... I was uh ... playing hide and seek with Antonio and I was looking for a good hiding place."

He grinned, getting up from his bed and ruffling your hair, earning an annoyed look from you.

"Sure you were, Y/N. I bet you just missed me that much."

You rolled your eyes, deciding it was better not to answer that after that nightmare you had.

You didn't want to make him mad again.

With a clear of your throat, you asked him,
"Anyway, was Mirabel here? Like, did she talk to you?"

His grin slightly faltered when you mentioned her name which you instantly noticed but ignored for now.

"Yeah, she talked to me."

You honestly expected him to say more, but he never continued his sentence leaving you two to stand in an awkward silence.

You did want to know what they were talking about, but you brushed off your curiosity.
He didn't seem like he wanted to talk about her.

But there was one question on your mind that you couldn't just brush off.
"Do you know where she went after you talked?"

He shrugged, turning away from you and walking towards his bed to sit on it once again.
"No idea, we didn't talk that much, really."

Your expression turned into one of disappointment.


Of course he knew where she was, but he wanted to keep you with him for a little longer. Why did Mirabel always have to be involved somehow?

With a sigh, you simply nodded, taking your leave, the last thing you saw being Camilo's frown.

As soon as you left, his frown disappeared, being replaced with a smirk instead as he walked up to one of the many mirrors in his room and placed a hand on it while staring at his reflection.

He shifted into you, bringing his face closer to the mirror.
"Soon, Mi Vida. Soon, we can be happy."

You were pacing through the corridors, trying to find Mirabel until you reached a certain room.

Dolores's room, to be exact. The person that knew everything about everyone. Surely she would have information.

You stood in front of her room, gently knocking.

After a few seconds the door opened, revealing a tired-looking Dolores.
Was she sleeping?

Her eyes slightly widened at the sight of you.
"Y/N! Can I help you somehow?"

You shyly smiled at her.
"Yes, uh ... I wanted to ask you if you know where Mirabel is."

You noticed her stiffen at the name of her cousin. She nervously looked around, her form slightly shaken up. She knew something that you didn't.

"Oh, sorry Y/N, I-I don't actually know."

Your eye slightly twitched at her response, but you decided not to question her any further since she looked uncomfortable.

You nodded, a sad expression on your face.
"Alright, thank you, sorry for bothering you."

She gulped, glancing at you, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.
"I'm sorry, Y/N."

You gave her a weak smile, "It's okay."
And with that you left.

As you walked towards the main doors of Casita you suddenly noticed how empty the house has been recently.

They haven't been celebrating anything and everyone seemed anxious or sad.

This wasn't what the Madrigal's usually looked like, and this wasn't what Casita usually felt like.

Something was off.

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