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𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗔𝗕𝗘𝗟 𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗗, backing off a little bit as Camilo started getting closer towards you two.

He was wearing an innocent smile on his face as if he hasn't heard you two talking.

But he did. Oh, he heard everything. Every single word that left your mouth just now.

Mirabel had exposed him.

It's not like he didn't expect that to happen, he just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Him and Mirabel would have a big problem now. And there was only one way to solve it.
But it would be better if you didn't know about that way.

"Whatcha talking about?"

Your face held no emotions as you looked at him. Letting out a scoff, you decided to play along.

"Oh nothing, just talking about chores and all that stuff, you know, the usual."

Camilo was starting to get annoyed but kept a grin on his face, trying to make it look as realistic as possible.

Mirabel sent you a worried glance, knowing that Camilo heard absolutely everything.
He was known for sneaking up on people and listening to their private conversations.

You didn't turn to look at her though, instead blinded by your rage at Camilo which was threatening to show itself.

"Oh yeah, chores ... Anyway, did you need anything, Mi Prima? I kinda need to have a conversation with Y/N."

You despised the way he had a smile on his face while obviously struggling to keep his own anger to himself.

Mirabel slightly panicked at his question.
She was worried for you, but also for herself.
She wasn't gonna leave you alone with him, but she also didn't want to be left alone with him either.

You noticed the panicked expression on her face and decided to step in before she could make a decision that she would regret later.

You stepped in front of her, trying to look as intimidating as possible, which was kinda difficult since you were shorter than him.

He looked a little surprised, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, me and Mira were not finished talking. It's disrespectful to just butt into conversations like that, you know?"

He rolled his eyes while still wearing a smile on his face and trying his best to make it look like he was just teasing you, but it was obvious that it was a sign of annoyance.

"Oh, come on now, Y/N. It's me, Camilo. Your boy-"

You sent him a sharp glare, causing him to stop before he could finish his sentence.

Letting out a sigh, you grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face the other way, lightly pushing him forward.

"Camilo, leave. We can talk later, okay? Mira and I are having an important conversation which can't be delayed."

He bit his lip to prevent himself from talking back to you. With a simple nod, he walked off, leaving you and Mirabel to stand alone once again.

You glared at the back of his head until it disappeared from your vision.

Camilo was in for something after you talked to Mira.

You turned to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"You okay?"

She turned to face you as well, a slight frown visible on her face.

"Y/N, I-I'm so sorry, I should've said something, I just-"

You hugged her, causing her to stop and hesitantly hug you back.

A wave of emotions washed over you as you simply stood there, listening to her small sobs as she cried into your arm.

"It's okay, Mira. I've got you. I won't let him hurt you."

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌.Where stories live. Discover now