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TW: suicide, cussing

𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗢 𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗞𝗦, and weeks turned into months. Camilo now fully believed that you were actually in love with him.

You were really good at hiding your true emotions at this point. Anything to escape his grasp, no matter how tired and dead you felt on the inside.

He had let Antonio and Dolores go, telling them to move away and never return.
Dolores was now taking care of him in another village. At least that's what Camilo had told you.

Currently, it was evening and you were sitting at the dining table with him. You looked at your plate, almost wanting to cry from how good it looked. It was Y/F/F. (Your favorite food)

You grabbed your fork/spoon and dug into it, Camilo watching you with a smile on his face.
This had always been what he dreamt of. You being with him, willingly.

He giggled, making you glance up from your plate. "What is it?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, Mi vida. Just admiring how beautiful and calm you look."

You smiled, rolling your eyes at his words.
"Oh, shut up, Camilo. Don't make me blush."
You almost vomited at your own words. You hated pretending to be in love with him, you hated it so much.

He winked at you, bringing his chair closer go yours. You continued smiling as he started caressing your hair. You clenched your fist.
He had no idea what personal space was, did he?

He placed a kiss on top of your head before going back to dig into his own plate. You watched him, your smile now completely gone. Oh, how you wished you could've poisoned his food. Unfortunately his eyes were set on you 24/7.

You awkwardly cleared your throat, a pained expression on your face. "Hey, Camilo? I'm gonna use the bathroom, i'm not feeling too well. Be right back."

He looked up, hesitantly nodding, a concerned expression on his face.
"Okay, amor. Don't be gone for too long."

You slightly smiled, standing up and taking your leave. Except you didn't go where you told him you would go. This was the first time you had lied to him in a while. It felt good.

You approached the ladder that led to the rooftop of Casita, a saddened smile on your face. You felt real emotions for the first time after Camilo had captured you.

You thought about your life for a few seconds, remembering about all the positive and negative moments you had in it. Your smile grew slightly when you remembered the way Mirabel treated you. She was gentle, loving and warm. (Easter egg alert)

But as fast as your smile appeared, it vanished as you remembered that she was dead now, because of you.

You let out a shaky breath, furrowing your eyebrows and finally climbing up the ladder.

You stood on top of the roof, the night sky surrounding you. You shivered as the cold wind made the hair on your neck stand.

You hugged yourself, blankly looking at the dark sky. It looked so peaceful and welcoming.

You sighed, averting your gaze to the ground below you. This was it. With a jump, you would be freed from his love. You would escape his grasp.

Your body stiffened when you heard a frantic voice calling out behind you. "Y/N! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

You scoffed, not turning around to face him.
"Adiós, Camilo. See you in the afterlife, fucker."

"Y/N, NO!"

And with that, you jumped. At least you would finally be free.

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