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You stared at her, not sure what to say.

She continued to glare at the ground as she silently, but nervously waited for your answer, fidgeting with her hands.

You gently placed a hand on her shoulder, a grin covering your face.

That made her look up, her gaze now shifting between your hand and you.

"Of course I have feelings for you, Mira. What type of question is that?"

The moment you said that her eyes slightly widened as she clenched her jaw.

You watched her in confusion.

Why was she acting like this? Mirabel would never act like this.

Suddenly she brushed your hand off, her face now covered with sadness and ... anger?

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way. We can't be together."

Your heartrate picked up as you silently listened to her, surprise and shock visible on your face.

You bit your lip.
"What do you mean? I don't understand."

She stood up, sending a sharp glare your way.
"I mean exactly what I said and you're not deaf."

She turned to walk away, looking back at you one last time, before disappearing in the woods.

You watched her form slowly escape your vision, tears now starting to well in your eyes.

Your lips quivered as you broke down, bringing your arms to your knees and letting them catch your tears.

Your breathing was uneven. The words of Mirabel had left a huge scar in your heart.

Confusion was written all over your face. This wasn't like Mirabel at all.

Did you say something that upset her? Was she mad because you didn't come with her and Bruno?

Or did Bruno say something to her?

Your mind was racing, thinking of all the scenarios that could've lead to Mirabel and you falling apart.

You didn't want to lose her, but you just did.
And you didn't even know what you've done to deserve that.

Deep inside you knew you wanted to follow her into the woods and ask her what you had done, but you felt too weak to do that.

The warmth that you constantly felt surrounding you faded, allowing the cold to embrace you instead.

And you didn't reject it.

You couldn't, even if you wanted to.
Not when you felt like this.

You wiped your tears, slowly trying to calm yourself down.

Her words hurt. They felt like a knife repeatedly stabbing you in the heart and leaving you to bleed out.

What have you done wrong?

A familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Amor, are you okay?"

You turned to the person, glaring daggers at her.

She really had the audacity to return and ask you if you were okay after she abruptly broke off your "relationship".

She slightly flinched as she took in the sight of you.
"Y/N, were you ... crying?"

You had enough of her.
She was just mocking you, wasn't she?
You were her puppet on a string.

Letting out a scoff, you stood up, walking up to her and giving her a slap across the face.

"Worry about yourself."

And with that, you walked past her, not even looking back.

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌.Where stories live. Discover now