Chapter 04

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The weekend passed without a message from Advik and even though, it troubled the life out of me, there was nothing in my power that I could do. Unless of course, Advik decided to call me up and tell me what the hell is going on.

I thought about everything that happened thoroughly over the weekend. And here's what I've figured out - first of all, the  no-contact-until-I-tell-you clause is a little absurd for a 26 year-old, when you really think about it. I mean, is his controlling mom still checking his phone and is he still scared? And if he cannot speak up against that, how is he going to convince her to let him marry me? It's sounds a little too impossible, considering the fact that his parents are insanely controlling and conservative.

Although my mind's revolving through all sorts of thoughts, there's something in me that believes that everything will be alright. Is it okay to blindly trust the man I've loved for 4 years, or am I being stupid? I don't know. But I just want him back.

My anxiety has been killing me, and it has snatched my sleep away from me. Every time I shut my eyes, I dream about being separated from him and it terrifies me in ways I cannot explain.

The number of times I've fought the urge to throw all the rules aside and call him up is uncountable. I just hope that all of this takes us to a destination that's worth it. I really, really do.

"I heard your love cancelled the wedding", Dhruv - my brother - walks into the living room, while I'm having my breakfast. "And I heard that you haven't been at home since Thursday", I dart back at him. "That's nothing new", he shrugs, pulling out a chair. "And this is none of your business", I snap and focus on my tea.

"I knew from the start that he was an asshole. Such a chicken! If his mom tells him to stand upside down, he'll do it. You think he wouldn't leave you if she ordered him to?", he sits down and I remain mum. "I mean, what a loser. It's better you move on because he is definitely not coming back", Dhruv scoffs.

"All of this is happening because of you!", I clap back at him and Maa runs out of the kitchen. "Nivi", she calls out for me, softly.

"Because you're a fucking drug addict, who cannot get his life together and we're paying the price", I spit in anger. "Oh, I never knew he was getting married to me", he smirks. "I wish I never knew you. It's so shameful for me!", I snap and stomp out of my house.

Dhruv. I don't know where to start when it comes to him. He's 3 years younger than me and when we were kids, we were best friends. Literally. We would do everything together - right from pranking neighbors to painting. But our parents' divorce turned the tables. He lived with dad, while Maa took hold of the three girls. But dad asked him to leave the house years after his second marriage, when his family couldn't 'bear the load' and the person who returned was someone we couldn't identify at all. He has been in all sorts of trouble, ever since, and the two of us have drifted miles apart. Maa and I have been trying to cover his dirt and honestly, I'm tired. Just really tired.

"Weren't you supposed to plan something out with the Junior Boss?", Kesh turns around from her desk and questions me. "Well, that would be possible only if he's here", I sigh, taking a glance at the clock.

He's two hours late.

"He's the exact opposite of Devesh Sir. Uninterested. Unpunctual. Unbothered. Playful. But he's charismatic as fuck. If he's the face of the business, anyone would seal the deal in moments. It's just that he doesn't care about the business", Kesh runs through his entire history in a minute. "How do you know?", I chuckle, staring at her perplexed. "I dated his older brother, duh", she rolls her eyes and it takes me a moment to let it sink in.

"Dated?", I echo. "Devesh Sir has restricted his kids from dating people from the office and he was the perfect child in the family, so he obeyed and broke up", she explains. That's kind of crazy, honestly. But I don't want to take a dig at her past because that would mean that I'd have to talk about Advik. And that reminds me...where has he been?

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