Chapter 20

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I was in his cabin, the morning after the party, with a stack of files that he had to sign. He ran his pen over all the papers, without even sparing a second to read what he was signing. I mean, I could've easily signed his house into my name!

Jokes apart, I was too terrified to even breathe around him. Does he remember what he said last night? Does he recall the confession? Does he know everything, and is he pretending that he doesn't know what happened?

Above everything, I cannot help but think how the things you bury deep down come up to surface when you're drunk. I don't know true it is, but I've noticed it in movies and all. But does he really love me? And if he does, then honestly I hope he doesn't confess or open up when he's in his senses, because it's going to be more than difficult for us to work together.

There's absolutely no question about the fact that there's zero chances of us being together, I'm not even thinking about that. But all I want right now is - for us to work in peace.

"I need some more sleep", Darshan grunts, whilst chugging down a shot of Espresso. "And my head hurts from all the drinking", he runs his fingers through his hair and massages his head, taking a break from the Boss Duties.

"Were you around when I was drunk last night? I don't remember when you left", he looks up at me, perplexed, and it fills me with a tad bit of relief. So...he doesn't remember?

"I was there for an hour, or two, maximum. We even talked outside for a while. Remember?", I hint at him and he stares at thin air, blankly. "We did?", confusion rings in his voice and I take a silent breath of relief.

"What did we talk about?", he questions. "Nothing much. Just about the weather and music, and by then - my cab reached and I left", I lie, partially, and he actually believes my story.

"I didn't do anything stupid, right?", he looks a bit stressed. Oh, you just blurted out how you felt for me, that's all. "No, you were okay", I smile, convincingly.

"I drunk-dialled my dad thrice last night. Thank God he was asleep and didn't answer the call. I would've been in my grave right now, if he answered the call", he tells me and I chuckle.

"I don't get it...why do you drink when you don't remember anything? What's the point of planning out a massive event when you're going to eventually forget all the fun?", I point out.

"I love the feeling of being drunk. You know you become so fucking confident, you end up thinking that you can do literally anything in the world. There's so much thrill to it", Darshan says. "Right, and now you're drinking your third cup of coffee", I roll my eyes.

"Everything has consequences, right?", he prompts. "And all the health issues?", I raise my eyebrow. "You're going to die, anyways, Shekhawat", he tosses his hands in the air. "Of course, but why dig your grave right now?", I argue. "If God wishes, I'll probably die in a car accident today, and nothing will not save me from that", he answers, stupidly. "What the hell is wrong with you? Shut up!", I snap. "There's no point in talking to you, Darshan. Give me the files", I tell him, angrily, and collect the files from the table.

"Are you upset? Really?", he laughs and pulls a file away from me. "You talk about death and expect me to laugh? Okay!", I lash out, without looking at him.

"Oye, Madam", he calls out, teasingly, and I keep my eyes away from him. "Navya?", he utters a split second later, and I eventually look up at him, expressionlessly. "That was a joke. Don't get so worked up", he smiles. "You take everything to heart. That's not good", he wrinkles his nose. "You never know which of your prayers gets accepted, Darshan", I tell him and he surrenders, raising his hands up in the air.

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