Chapter 24

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All I had to tell Maa was six words - I'm meeting the Ravals for lunch - and she began sprinting around, picking outfits for me, as though it's a real big deal!

"Maa, this is too fancy. It'll be so, so weird", I complain about the Jade Green Salwar Kameez she has kept over my bed, ironed. I wore that to a family gathering at Advik's house, somewhere around our engagement time.

"That's the only good Salwar you have, Nivi. The others are plain cotton ones, they don't look that good at all", she tells me.

"I can wear a blouse or a long top with jeans, Maa! I have plenty of them", I state and she simply stares at me, in silence. I know what that means. "You have no idea how to dress! Just listen to me and wear what I picked for you, you'll look good", she insists and I don't bother arguing any further; it took us a while to get back on track after that night in the hospital and I don't want to ruin it. At all.

As ordered by the President of our House, I slip into the Jade Green outfit and stand in front of the mirror, adjusting the Dupatta over my left shoulder. I add on a pair of black-stoned Chandelier earrings, along with a pair of bangles. A moment later, I stare at my wrists, thoughtfully. Is it too much? Would they judge me for being too overdressed? I tug the bangles out of my hands, keep back on the dressing table and pick up the comb. I run my comb through my tangled hair and tie it up into a high ponytail, as I usually do at work.

"Maa, how do I look?", I walk over to the kitchen, and do a little ramp walk around her. "Put your hair down", she tells me right away, and I sigh, throwing my head back. "Maa!", I grunt, stomping my feet on the ground.

"Did I say anything wrong, Tia?", Maa looks over for opinions, and together they create a little army against me to point out how my hair doesn't add on to my outfit. It's one against three. Do I have a choice, or any chance of winning? Absolutely no! I end up untying my hair and let it loose.

I take a cab to Darshan's house, even though it's in the middle of Mumbai, because I cannot afford to visit, drenched in sweat.

The cab halts in front of a massive gate, and I hop off simply admiring the... mansion. I don't move at all for an entire minute, and just gaze at his mansion in absolute awe.

Once I take a moment to set my hair and Dupatta, I ring the bell on the wall and the door swings open, right away, revealing a security guard.

"Navya Shekhawat?", he point out and I answer him with a nod, pushing a chunk of my hair behind my ear. "Come in, Madam", he flashes a welcoming and holds the door open for me, letting me step food inside.

I'm trying really, really hard not to gasp or react on the sight of a lineup of cars in the parking lot. He has around six luxurious cars that I've only had the privilege to hear about. I don't even know their names. I mean, his family has a goddamn parking lot in his house for his cars. Wow.

I know that all of this is a casual meeting with Devesh Sir - and his family - but why is all of this so nerve-wracking? I'm literally the word 'nervous' turned into the human form; every little thing makes me anxious and giddy. 

I take a deep breath in, sucking in all of the air around me, and shut my eyes for a second, before walking over to the actual entrance of his mansion. The door has been left wide-open, but there's no one around; gently, I knock on the door twice and within seconds, a lady walks over, wearing one of the kindest smile.

"Hi, sweetheart", she greets, clasping her hands together. "Come in, come in", she invites and I walk in, slowly and awkwardly. "I'm here to meet Devesh Sir", I inform and lick my lower lip.

"I'm Devesh Sir's wife. Come in, darling", she holds my upper-arm and gently tugs me to the living room. We sit down in the living, together, in daunting silence for a tad bit.

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