Chapter 32

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That evening, anxiety had taken over the calmness in me, while Meenu was in Daksh's Mehendi function coordinating things for me. She kept me updated every second, about each human that moved around her. And more than that - she was utterly astonished at the magnanimous event. Needless to say, we're talking about The Ravals - grand parties are normal for them, almost an everyday thing!

Meenu : OMG, OMG, OMG




Whilst serving my customers their orders for the evening, I keep a close eye on my phone with prayers for everything to go my way in the Mehendi function.

"Hey?", yet another customer breaks through my focus on my phone and my head snaps up, hesitantly. "What can I get for you, Sir?", I question, resetting the screen that's still flashing the previous order. "Maybe, some time", he voices out, forcing me to look up at him in speechlessness.

"Zain", he flashes a wave for a brief second and I'm still staring at him. "You really don't remember me?", a look of surprise smears across his face, and slowly, I shake my head to the sides in disagreement, making him chuckle.

"Can I meet you for five minutes? Outside", he points past the glass door and I look thoughtful. "Just five minutes. I promise. I'm a man of my words", he smiles and I breathe in, agreeing and wondering who on Earth is this man!

Keeping a replacement at the counter, I step outside into the cold to find him leaning against the window, with his hands shoved deep inside his denim pockets.

"Do I know you?", I question straight-out and the suddenness takes him aback by surprise. "I'm sorry if I sounded rude---", my voice trails off. "I'll start by introducing myself?", he prompts and I answer him with a quick nod, because I have absolutely no time to waste, nor am I interested.

"I'm Zain. Not Malik, but Khan. Zain Shabbir Khan, and I'm not a terrorist", he cheekily utters, and I do not know if I should stay still or smile, or what! "And do you know me? Of course, you do", he reveals and I furrow my eyebrows, taking a closer look at him.

Okay, now, he does look a tad bit familiar, but it doesn't bring back vivid memories.

"We went on a blind-date together, remember? We dined at a seafood restaurant. In the rooftop. Talked about Sufi music and Kashmir. Remember?", he cues and it does bring back a memory. He looks so different right now, how does he expect me to remember him! "Oh yes yes. I do remember", I breathe, smiling at him.

"What brings you here?", I question in curiosity. "You", I must say he's one good, open flirt.

"You said you would get back to me know, about hanging out and dating. But you never did, which I understand means a dead-end for us. However, I've been thinking about you off-late and maybe, we deserve a chance", casually, he shrugs and I'm dumbfounded.

"I don't know, Zain", I whisper, still shocked at the words he uttered.

1) He showed up out of nowhere, after four months, I reckon.
2) We never texted each other after that date night.
3) He simply confessed that he's into me, as if it's nothing.
4) Now, he needs to know what my take on the entire thing is.
Which part of all of this sounds normal?

"My mom's Pakistani and my dad is an Indian. She's a Muslim, he's a Hindu. And here I am - a mix of both! So, if you think that religion, and borders is an issue between me, it's not", he explains. "And of course, I'm not talking about serious dating. We can simply hangout", he shrugs. "Are you committed?", is his next question. "No", I utter softly.

"Perfect! It's not a loss for any of us. We can hangout, get to know each other better and if you think that there's something between us that can work out, we'll think about the future", he literally tells me his entire plan. "You're thinking too far", I say. "Right. Short-term plans! Can I take you out for coffee tomorrow?", he asks me out on the goddamn spot and at this moment, my jaw might even be touching the ground. Who the hell is this man?

"If you need a good company over coffee, here's my business card, you can drop me a text", he slides his business card between my fingers, wearing a charismatic smile.

"I only accept work-related calls on this number, but I'll call you an exception", he utters and walks away. Smiling, I walk back into my shop and shove the card into my pocket.

I return to the busy shop to a spam of messages and a waterfall of incoming calls from Meenu.

My heart instantly takes a drop, straight into my stomach. I simply hold my phone between my hands, too scared to even take a glance at the messages.

Meenu : Akka, answer the call.

Meenu : The food trucks are missing.

Meenu : They're making a big fuss out of everything.

And in the middle of reading the messages, I receive yet another incoming call from Meenu. Hesitantly, I swipe the answer icon and remain silent on the line.

"Can you come? Are you there, Akka? Can you please come?", words hurry out of her mouth in panic; she sounds as though she's on the verge of crying. "Did you get in touch with Sid?", I question.

"Yes. I did. He said that the food truck broke down and he needs an hour to reach the venue. I told the Ravals about everything, but they're not ready to listen to me. At all. They're creating a big scene, Akka, and they said that they need the manager here, right away. I cannot handle the situation, anyways!", she blurts out and I pace around a small pace, chewing on my nail.

"You promised that you'll come if something goes wrong. Trust me, I tried to get the situation under control but it's out of hand and I do not know what to do. I know you're hiding from Darshan Raval for some odd reason, but right now - I need you!", she almost cries.

Her words storm past me and it fills me with a peculiar feeling; I don't know if it's anger, or guilt. Why am I hiding from Darshan Raval? And why am I pushing other people to fill my shoes, when they're far from it? All because I love him and fear the idea of facing him? How long am I going to hide from him, anyways? The world is a small space and destiny has its funny ways of dragging you into situations - and people - you're running away from. Someday, somehow, we'll meet.

"Ask them for thirty minutes. I'm on my way", I breathe, wearing a brave face underneath which lies a trembling heart.

The drive to the venue has to be the longest, and most nerve-wracking drive of my life. I was literally shaking on the driver's seat and I almost ran into a woman, thanks to the thousand thoughts the raced on my mind. I was extremely impulsive with my decision; this is not as easy as I thought it would be. But I couldn't strand Meenu in that situation, anyways!

I pull over in the parking lot, clutch the steering wheel with both my hands and take one of the deepest breath in, shutting my eyes. Everything's going to be okay. There's absolutely nothing to worry about.

Around ten minutes later, I walk into the venue with my hands clasped together and notice people crowded in a corner, with loud chatters emerging from that end. I don't stop Devesh Sir, or Sonali Aunty anywhere around. I wonder where they are.

I take small steps towards the gang of people, and from a distance, Meenu notices me with tears in her eyes. Through a small gap, she runs in my direction and hides behind me, clinging onto my arm. And it comes without saying that the entire focus lands on me.


[Dhak-dhak! What next? Swipe to the next, brooos!]

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