Chapter 23

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All of a sudden, life became inexplicably overwhelming.

I was chasing life that there was hardly time to sit down and breathe. Honestly, the packed schedule didn't let my mind wander around, and run over thoughts. I'd return from work and once I complete the chores at home, I'd collapse on my bed, within minutes.

I had a lot on my plate and way more going on in my life. At home, I had to pack our things to move to Surat and we had some last minute documentation to carry out, so almost every other day, I stood in front of some office with a stack of papers that I needed signatures on, or something.

And at work, I had to meet targets and complete files, before I submitted my resignation letter. Oftentimes, I'd stay back until 8 p.m., all alone, and stare at my computer with strained eyes and a terrible migraine. But I didn't have time to care about my health because time was ticking and I had to make ends meet somehow, before moving out of Mumbai. I don't know for how long. Maybe, forever.

Talking about the resignation letter reminds me of Darshan, whom I haven't talked to in over six days, or so, after that meeting in his apartment.

We'd walked back to square-one; he stopped talking to me after that and only called, or messaged me, to talk about work-related topics. Somewhere, deep down I was relieved that he understood, but a part of me still has regrets that the friendship between us died. It was one of the most beautiful things, ever, in my life and suddenly, when it's gone - everything feels so empty and I keep myself held up only to run away from that feeling of not having anyone by my side.

"Navya!", Kesh nudges me with her elbow. "Navya!!", she hisses out aloud, while I still continue to work. "What is it, Kesh?", I question with my eyes still fixed on the computer screen. "Are you sure, babe?", her voice rises with concern. "About?", I narrow my eyes.

"About quitting work! That decision doesn't sound too good, you know. You're so close to getting your promotion, and moving to Canada, why would you want to throw away all of that and start afresh?", she prompts. "Kesh, we talked about it a thousand times", I sigh.

"And I'm still bringing it up because I want to shove some senses up your head. If living alone is a problem, my apartment is always open for you. Choosing to start from scratch without a legitimate reason is so fucking stupid", she advices and I simply listen to her, still having my mind fixed on my decision.

I haven't stayed away from my family, ever, and the thought of living alone in Mumbai terrifies me. A lot. It honestly makes me sick in the stomach and drags me to the verge of crying.

"Thanks for the offer, but it's s too late to change my decision now, Kesh. Anyways, I don't want to live away from my mom", I reason. "Are you going to stay bound to your family for the rest of your life? Dude, you've done enough and more for them. You've lost half your life simply serving them. It's your time to take time out alone for yourself and explore the world", she exclaims.

"Shit. Sir", she mutters moments later and stands up, hesitantly. "Good morning, Sir!", she greets and slowly, I rise to my feet, too, with a pounding heart.

Throughout the week, every time Darshan walked into the office in the morning, my heart would fluctuate and my world would take a spin because I didn't want to face him. Awkward is an understatement to how I feel; the entire incident at his apartment takes a run in my mind and it takes me on an entire rollercoaster ride of emotions.

The moment I turn around to greet him, our eyes meet and it remains locked for around ten seconds, before I look around, hesitantly. "Good day, everyone", he utters silently and walks away, shoving his hands inside his pockets.

"Don't you think he's a bit too dull off late?", Kesh looks up at me, while I search for a paper on my desk. This woman notices everything!

"Does he? I don't know", I shrug, pretending to be oblivious. But as a matter of fact, I watched him closely in the past six days and there was a glaring change in the person he has turned out to be - dull and lifeless. He's the kind of person who has a significant presence in a room, and he knows how to bring light into a space. But all of that simply faded away in the past few days. He's just a person right, minus the light and life.

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