Chapter 26

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It was my last day at work.

I lived through a range of emotions that morning. My heart was heavy and I was terrified about the new beginnings; too many novel thoughts were racing in my mind. I had to build something from scratch and I didn't know how to do that. With the weight of my family trailing behind me, the fear of failing and letting them down mounted upon me.

I couldn't find a job in Surat. I had to send out a thousand CVs, sit down for rounds of interviews and cling onto the waiting list, all over again.

Somewhere, I was thrilled to move back to Surat because that's where I spent a small part of my childhood in, and it was the happiest time of my life. I couldn't wait to meet my grandparents and live with them. But when the thought of life hits, the enthusiasm boils down. We're leaving Mumbai tomorrow, and I'm starting to have second-thoughts.

"Maa", I walk over to the kitchen and lean against the wall, while she makes us a cup of coffee. "You think it's a good idea for me to leave Mumbai?", I question, thoughtfully, and her head literally spins around in my direction, bewildered. "Do you have ideas of staying back? In Mumbai? Alone? You're mad!", she snaps.

"No, I obviously don't want to stay back without you. But what will we do in Surat? I don't have a job!", I reason. "We'll do something, Nivi. I want to get out of Mumbai; it has been over thirty years and I still haven't found peace in this city. People say that it's a city of dreams, but my entire life, I've only watched my dreams shatter. I've had enough", Maa pours out and I listen on.

"Everyone's waiting for us to return to Surat. Once we go there, we'll all be happy, again", Maa sounds hopeful and I smile.

"Dau before yesterday...", Maa starts off, holding my attention. "...Advik visited us", her voice trails away. "I know, I met him outside", I stare at my nails.

"You talked to him?", Maa sounds surprised and I nod my head in agreement. "You looked so normal, I thought you didn't meet him", she says and I giggle. "I know, I thought I would come home crying my eyes out. But I---I didn't feel much. I wasn't heartbroken on seeing him, I was extremely angry. And after I talked to him, even the anger left my body. I don't know why. Maybe, I just don't love him anymore", I guess and she listens.

"I think I've realized that all this time, I wasn't crying for him, I was crying over the memories. Because last night when he stood in front of me, not a part of me wanted to reunite with him. When he was in front of me, I couldn't see the person I loved, I could only see the person who betrayed me. I think I'm slowly getting over him", I shrug.

"If I say something, you won't get mad at me, right?", she pauses. "Nooo...", I drag my words, confused. "People make mistakes, right? And the best thing you can do is forgive them than hold grudges. If there's no love - and still no hatred - for Advik in your heart, then why can't you forgive Papa?", she raises the question and it tapes my lips. Speechless, I simply look at Maa, without knowing what to say.

"Parents are humans, too, and we're equally flawed as you. He deserves a chance from your side. I know you've been through a lot because of choices that he made, but letting go is the beauty of life, right? Think about it, Nivi", she smiles, handing over my cup of coffee, while I'm still thinking about her words.

With a heavy heart, I head to my office and on reaching the twenty-second floor, I walk past the sliding door to find all my colleagues gathered around a table, with Darshan standing alongside.

"SURPRISE!", everyone screams in unison and I stand to my ground, startled. "You took so long, Navya. We've been waiting for an hour now!", someone yells from the background and I'm still looking around, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

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