Chapter 47

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Mumbai - the city of dreams, but to my family - it's the city that shattered their dreams.

The chaotic atmosphere in Mumbai is something you cannot find anywhere in India, or anywhere in the world. It's undeniably suffocating, but that's what adds the life into the city; the suffocation emerges as a result of every man, and woman, with a dream chasing their goals.

I've never been a fan of living in Mumbai, to be honest, probably because I've taken every breath in this city since I was a kid. For as far as I can remember, I've only wanted to get out of Mumbai. Perhaps, it holds too many provocative memories that opens the doors to pain. But today, for some reason - it feels good to be back in Mumbai. The nostalgia is a breath of fresh air.

But today is not the day to look back on the good - and bad - times in life. Today, I'm so nervous. My chest is tight and my breath is trembling. My thoughts are growing like wildfire and my head is throbbing. Sweaty palms, quivering voice, irresistible restlessness and what not!

While I stand in the middle of nowhere, wondering what to do, my phone vibrates in my hands - it's a message from Kesh, and I take a look at the message right away. She's the only comfort I have right now, in the middle of a bustling city that wouldn't take a stop for anyone.

Kesh : Reached, babe?

Me : Yes. But I don't know what to do.

Kesh : Call him up!!!!

Me : That was his US number. It's not working anymore. I DMed him on Instagram, but I'm probably in the middle of a thousand fangirl DMs.

Kesh : Visit his home?

Me : Okay.

Kesh : And listen, if that bitch Maya creates a scene, ask her to fuck off. If you shut up and tolerate her drama, I'll fucking kill you.

Kesh : If you mess up this time and come back to me crying, bitch I'll take your eyes out.

Me : So motivating, thanks.

Kesh : For hiding things from me, you should be getting a slipper shot but you got a ticket to India, instead. Be thankful.

Me : Thank you, God.

Kesh : Enough of the drama. Go to his house and tell me what happens.

Me : Kesh, listen. Thank you for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Kesh : You'd do much better without me. Part of this mess is my fault, too. I should've pushed you to confess your feelings to him earlier and I don't want to spend my life with regrets that I played a part in my best friend's heartbreak!

Kesh :  Anyways. You're SO close to him. Just don't lose this chance. Please.

Kesh : Keep me updated. I love you so much!

I look for a cab and head straight to Darshan's mansion, with a heart crammed with anxiety.

It takes us over thirty minutes to reach his mansion, and once the cab halts, my body shudders from the idea of facing him, and his entire family. Every single one of them must've read the article, how do I even face them? Navya, if you're going to care about people, you'll never get him - my alternate ego advices and I stagger my way towards the gate, ringing the bell twice.

His mom opens the door and she simply stares at me, wearing a perplexed smile; the usual energy in her is missing today. "You're in India?", she's out-and-out confused. "I---I needed to meet Darshan", I look down at my hands, unsure of what her reaction would be.

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