Chapter 13

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My home was in splits.

Mas chased Tia and Rani, because they still roamed around in the PJs. Dhruv, as usual, slumped on the sofa, digging his phone. And I frantically ran around, picking up things before rushing to the Salon.

"Lehenga. Earrings. Bangles. Heels. What am I missing? What am I missing?", I talk to myself and take one last glance at the bag.

The Salon is 50 minutes from home; I cannot afford to come back if I left something behind, and I honestly cannot afford to leave anything behind on my big day.

"Why can't we dress up at the Salon?", Tia nags. I wish I could take them with me, too. But it me an entire month of salary to book an appointment for me; there was nothing left for me.

"That's so unfair, di!", she snaps. "Why do you have to make a fuss on her wedding, too?", Rani comes into my defense, as always. "We can do our own make-up", Rani assures. "Right. And look like shit", Tia - the beauty conscious queen - walks off.

"NAVYA", out of nowhere, Maa screams and runs inside the room, wearing an undeniable look of terror. "Advik has married someone else", she cries out and my world takes a spin.

As my world takes a spin on its axis, I feel as though I'm falling of a peak and just then, my eyes spring open.

It was a dream. It was all a dream.

I wake up, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat. Forcefully, I sit up on the bed and look around, perplexed.

It takes me an entire minute to figure out that I'm in a hotel in Coimbatore. And when the feeling of being overwhelmed builds up on me, I breakdown into a cry, shoving my face onto my palms. Everything felt so real. I felt as though I was going through the pain all over again.

Shakily, I reach out for a glass of water and chug it down. How do I quit thinking about how things could've been between us? Why does everything hit me all at once, like a wave?

Just then, Darshan drops a message in our group.

Darshan Sir : Morning, guys! I hope y'all are up and over yesterday's hangover :)

Darshan Sir : Get ready. We'll be off in an hour exactly.

And then, literally seconds later, he messages me, personally.

Darshan Sir : Hey?

Darshan Sir : I'm sooooo nervous!!!!!

Darshan Sir : Drop into my room once you're ready. I might need another cup of coffee from you. I'll consider that as good luck.

Darshan Sir : Am I asking for a lot, Madam?

Me : No, Sir. I'll be there :)

"May I come in?", I knock on his door twice and stand outside. "Good morning!", he greets instead from inside, and I push the door open, taking it as a signal.

"Morning", I smile at him, in powerlessness. He looks up from the file he's skimming through and reverts a bright, nervous smile at me. "I'm so nervous, Navya. I didn't sleep all night. I'm so scared. What if I mess it up?", he goes on talking and I empty a bottle of water into the kettle.

"And I was joking about the coffee. I'll order coffee for us. I just called you in", he blurts out. I don't he knows what he's saying. "I can make us some coffee. It's not a chore", I tell him. Why would you spend hundreds of rupees on a coffee, when you can make it yourself?

"Everything will be okay, right?", he seeks assurance and I smile, turning the kettle on. "Of course. Just calm down", I assure him and he exhales out loud. "I don't remember the last time I was this nervous", he shakes his head to the side, squeezing the side of his neck.

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