Chapter 34

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And within a blink of an eye, we're back to Monday-ing. Why on Earth is Friday two naps away from Monday? We honestly need to sign a petition to extend the number of weekends!

Standing behind the counter, I take down everyone's order, which is mainly a strong cup of Espresso or Cappuccino. Well, I guess everyone's going through the same shit.

"Two Cappuccinos", a customer orders, and for once, my head snaps up because of the familiarity in the voice.

Darshan Raval, wearing his usual cheeky smile and leaning against the counter. I should've known that he would show up.

"Two Cappuccinos", I repeat the order, as I pick options on the screen. Of course, his wife must be around for him to order two, and how stupid of me to think that he's here to meet me? "That's it?", I look up at him, forcing a smile, and he looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Maybe, you can come out with the coffee?", Darshan cues, and I simply stare at him, startled. "Can I get that on the order? Some time with you?", he interrogates. "Of course not!", I whisper, and his smile turns into a frown. "Why not?", he furrows his eyebrows. "Because... I'm working", I hiss. "It's your business", he tells me. "Okay. So?", I shrug.

"So, come meet me outside!", he smiles, sarcastically, and sliding his credit card across the counter. "And if you don't come outside...", he starts off, while I swipe the card. "You're blackmailing me?", I question. "Oh, that's what you call it in your language?", he obliviously questions back.

I exhale out aloud, pushing his card back at him, and he shoves it into his wallet, wearing his usual mischievous smile when he has won at something. It takes me back in time, for a moment. He has always had his ways of dragging people to his path. Right from the day we met, I only remember surrendering to his crooked ways. Except for, giving us a chance, obviously.

"I'll see you outside, then, Madam?", he smiles at me, and I sigh, shaking my head to the sides.

With the two steaming Cappuccinos, I stagger my way outside, praying that no-one's looking at me. I'm meeting some guy, outside, every other day!

Probably, this meeting could be an introductory meeting between his wife and I. We didn't really get along in our first meeting. I wouldn't lie, but she did come out as a tad bit rude, even though I understand it's entirely our fault we messed up with the order. But we made up for it even before the event began!

As I stroll out, in my head, I think of ways to say hello to Mrs. Raval.

Oh hi, Maya!
No! She's only a client to me - so far - it's not nice for me to take her name.

Hello, Madam! I hope you're having a good day.
NO. What am I? Customer service?

Hi. How are you?
Okay, that sounds good. Not too much, nor too forced.

After a brief moment of struggle, I push past the adamant door, and almost tumble forward with the coffee. A splash of coffee floods over the back of my hand, burning my skin and I hiss in pain, clinging onto the coffee cups because I honestly cannot afford to drop it and clear the mess.

Wincing through the pain, I look around in search for Darshan, and his wife. Just then, a honk emerges from the right and my head snaps around in the direction. Darshan's sitting inside his car. Alone.

Perplexed, I walk over to his car and he stretches out, pushing the door open. "Can we have a moment?", he pauses. "N---now?", I fumble and look around, feeling my heart pound underneath my chest. I almost lose control on my breath. Not all of this, all over again.

"I won't take more than ten minutes. I promise", he reaches out for his cup of coffee, and gestures me to hop in.

"This one?", nervously, I hold the second cup of coffee between my hands. "Yours", he casually answers and takes a sip of his coffee. Oh, so this isn't an introductory meeting, as I thought. It's more of a reunion. Which makes me a little relieved because I honestly didn't want to meet his wife, deep down.

"Mm, the coffee is pretty good", he compliments. "It's just coffee out of a machine, you don't have to be too nice", I smile. "Well, honestly, it tastes a little bad", his voice tones down. "Really?", the concern in my voice is evident. "It's just coffee, right?", he smirks and I roll my eyes. "You almost scared me", I sigh and he laughs.

"So---", he cues, resting back on his seat and stares at me. Not knowing what to say, I remain mute and stare at my coffee cup, wondering how to initiate the conversation. I have a lot to tell him, and a lot more to question. But this moment, when we're right next to each other, I'm simply dumbfounded. There's so much that has changed in our lives, and I honestly don't want to talk about it.

"How have you been, Navya Shekhawat? And how are you still a Shekhawat?", he questions and I grunt, tossing my head back. "We're you an Indian Aunty in your past life? The exact same question. Why aren't you married? Why hasn't your last name changed?", I utter, annoyed and he laughs. "I mean, there's so much more to talk about! My career graph. My café. My life, in general. But no! Everyone's so fucking bothered about the fact that I'm unmarried", I vent out.

"You cussed", he gasps, dramatically. "What's the big deal?", I breathe, and tuck my hair right behind my ear. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's talk about this fucking change", he jokes and we share a laugh.

"How's the US treating you?", Darshan interviews. "Okay...", I drag my words, thoughtfully. "... it's not home yet, but I'm coping", I shrug. "I heard that you're living on your own", he prompts and I answer him with a brief nod. He smiles, looking outside for a moment and shakes his head to the side.

"What's the supposed to mean?", I interrupt his romance with the bustling street of Downtown Ohio. "You could've simply stayed back in Mumbai, seven years ago, when I was literally begging you to!", he exhales, silencing me.

"Mumbai is not even 500 kilometers away from Surat!", he states, thrusting me to the edge of anxiety. "Things would've been so different right now", he expresses in a voice full of regret and I remain as still as a statue, without even breathing. I don't want to talk about the past - about the decisions I made, and about the changes that could've existed. It brings nothing but regret. And I want to move on from that.

I've always consoled my regretful heart with the statement that - if I stayed back in Mumbai that night, for Darshan, I would've definitely fallen in love with him. And if we fell in love, I would've certainly had my heart shattered. Into pieces. All over again. I was only recovering from the scars Advik left behind on me.

"Anyways", he figures out that I don't want to wander around the topic, thankfully.

"Are you free in the evening? I thought we could catch up for coffee somewhere?", he proposes the idea and looks at me with hopes in his eyes.

"I---uhm---", I fumble, tightening my grip around the coffee cup, noticing a red spot over the area where I spilled coffee.

"I have a meeting", I lie, when for real - I have a date with Zain.

"And it's important. I cannot miss it", I add on, amplifying its significance, and throughout, I stay miles away from his gaze.

A sudden knock on the window on my side forces me to shudder and look up in terror.

It's Zain. Shit, shit, shit. What on Earth is he doing here?

Go away, Zain. Not now. Don't mess this up for me. Please.

Frantically, he waves at us, holding a bouquet in one hand.

"Looks like a fan", Darshan scoffs, rolling the window down. Of course, a fan. But not yours, Darshan Raval. He's my fan.

"They follow me everywhere, there's no privacy", he mumbles. God, someone tell him that he's my date for the night!


[ hey cuties, longest time, no see? i hope you all are going well. For today, this is it. Just one chapter. Only because I wanted to keep the flow of the story on Wattpad before I lose interest and quit. So, here it is! More updates, on your way. Until then, show me some love on this and... I'm sending you all the warmest hug]

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