Chapter 37

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The next morning, despite my attempts to act normal, it was more than obvious that something went down in my life - I didn't talk to anyone, I terribly messed up the orders that I had to handle and the little conversations I chose to have turned into subtle arguments.

Darshan kept spamming me with messages, and incoming calls, but I chose to turn a blind eye to it. Throughout the day, I kept my phone buried in the depths of my handbag, and didn't bother to take a glance at it, even for a moment. Because I was convinced, that if I took a glance, I'd end up answering his calls.

At the closing hour, Meenu and I were stranded behind to clear up the café. We did the usual chores - wiping off tables, and arranging the chairs. But in pin-drop silence.

"Akka, where do I keep this?", Meenu questions in a fearful voice. "Keep it somewhere, Meenu", I say back, focusing on cleaning the table. "But can you tell me where?", she insists. "On my head!", I utter in annoyance and she stomps away, muttering something underneath her breath.

After around ten long minutes of silence, she calls out for me, yet again. "Now, what?", I sigh and look up at her. Without uttering a word, she points her finger at the door, and once I took in the direction, through the glass door, my eyes fall on Darshan Raval, shivering in the cold.

"Do I open the door for him, Akka?", Meenu questions, moments after he knocks on the door. "Tell him we're closed", I say and turn back to minding my own business.

The door clicks open and the two of them exchange inaudible mutters.

"Akka---uhm---", Meenu's voice arises, while she still holds the door open. "---he's asking why you didn't answer the phone calls", she delivers his message. "Did I ask you to play the role of a Messenger?", I snap. "No", her voice drops.

"Sorry, Sir. I cannot deliver your messages. I've been getting scolded since morning. If you want to say something, do it yourself", Meenu backs off and holds the door open.

"Navya, can I talk to you?", Darshan pauses and I ignore him, whilst dusting the table. "Nivi?", his voice grows and something happens to my heart. "No, I'm working", I mutter.

"Hey. You. You can go. I'll help your Boss out", Darshan orders Meenu. "Meenu, don't!", I demand. "You have no rights to interrupt my working hours!", I look at Darshan in disdain.

"Okay, let her stay. Shall we talk in front of her? I don't have a problem. Nor do I have the patience to wait anymore. I've been trying to contact you since last night! Ignoring phone calls is not the solution", Darshan utters in one breath. "Oh. You ruin everything for me, and expect me to answer you, too? How is that fair? You---", I snap back and fall silent right away on noticing Meenu's startled face.

"Meenu, go home", I breathe and she sprints to the changing room to gather her belongings. The two of us don't utter a word. He picks up a cloth and cleans a table, too. Once Meenu walks out of the café - soundlessly - I look up at him, expecting him to say something.

Navya. Today is not the day to cry. Talk. Just talk.

"Sometimes, we wear a mask and continue to hide behind the made-up reality, because that's how the society works. Sometimes, you have absolutely no choice, but to pretend", Darshan starts off, in the middle of nowhere, and I simply stare at him, perplexed.

"A year after you left our office, we fell into a massive crisis because my Uncle messed up our business. We were indebted to around four banks around India, and we didn't have the money to pay them back. They warned us that if we didn't sort things out within three months, my dad and I would be thrown behind the bars  That's when, Maya's dad walked into the picture; he promised he'd help us, but on two conditions", he pauses.

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