Chapter 25

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"I'm extremely sorry if my mom went a little overboard today. She has a happening social life, so whenever we have guests over, she's always hyped", Darshan reasons, whilst driving.

"I think she's extremely cool. I absolutely loved her company", I look at him for a moment, before shifting my focus back on the road crowded with cars. It's 4.30 in the evening on a weekday in Mumbai, the car is barely moving, which gives the two of us an abundance of time to talk.

"Only once in a while do you meet people who are rich and humble, together. I absolutely loved her!", I smile. "You never said that dialogue when you met me!", Darshan takes offense. "Maybe because you lack something", I shrug, keeping a straight face. "My ass, Navya", he rolls his eyes and I giggle.

"You love compliments, don't you?", I prompt and watch the corners of his lip curl into a small smile. "Thanks to my mom, I'm obsessed. All I have to do is breathe around her, and she'd call an entire crowd to talk about how beautifully I breathe", Darshan shakes his head to the side.

"Your bond with her is beautiful, touchwood", I tell him. "She's the only one who keeps me sane at home, honestly", he sighs. "She's more of a best friend than a mother", he smiles.

"Can I ask you something?", I seek for permission and he shakes his head in agreement, taking a glance at me out of curiosity. "Does your mom---know that---that you like me?", I question, restlessly, and it takes him a moment to respond.

"Do I lie, or do you want to know the truth?", he plays around with his words. "Whatever doesn't make me feel bad, maybe", I wrinkle my nose and he chuckles.

"She knows I have a thing for you, because I kept talking about you for a while and she figured out. Moreover, moms have this antenna, right? They catch signals right away. But she doesn't know... anything beyond that. So, in her head - I only have a crush on you and I didn't do anything stupid after that", Darshan casually talks it out, as if it's nothing. I wonder what his eyes caught to have a crush on a mess, like me.

"Can I say something, too?", he calls forth. "Yes", I whisper, anxiously, because the last time had something to say, he confessed his love for me.

"I wanted to keep my mouth shut about it but since you're right next to me, I cannot hold it back---", his pause creates suspense. "---you look so beautiful today", he let's his tongue slip. "Like----I---I don't know---you look so stunning", he fumbles, running his fingers through his hair.

"I wore this outfit when we fixed the engagement date with Advik", I blurt out and a sudden silence arises in the car. He gives me a why-did-you-tell-this-to-me-woman look.

"I don't know why I said this, but I've been thinking about it all day and I felt I should tell you", I justify, biting my lower lip.

"He saw you in this outfit and still chose to betray you? What a fucking loser!", Darshan dramatises, making me smile. "My heart does go out to him. What a loss for him!", he goes on and I cannot help, but smile. What a flirt, and what charm he has!

"You must've had so many girlfriends, right? You're good at impressing women", I tease him. "It's an art and an entire process. You wouldn't the know the struggle", he jokes and we share a laugh.

"I agree I flirt a lot. But throughout my life, I've only loved one girl with all my heart", his voice turns soft, out of nowhere, and the light illuminating his face fades away. "She's no more", Darshan whispers and I feel a weight drop in my stomach.

"I'm sorry", I say, under my breath. "Years ago, I used to hike a lot. I'd visited all the highest points in India and I'd camp there overnight. Once my friends and I planned out a hiking trip; around twenty of us, with her", he takes a break from his narration.

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