Nuclear Plant Bought

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I peacefully walk down the street just minding my own business. But my leisurely stroll is interrupted by the sounds of sirens. Looking down the street I see police surrounding the local power plant.

Y/N: "Wonder what's going on there."

I head that way to investigate.

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Cop: "Supervillain took over the plant."

Y/N: "Can't you guys stop him?"

Cop: "The villain made a right mess. Now radiation is leaking all over the place. No one can get close."

I smile getting an idea.

Y/N: "I got this."

I march into the power plant.

Cop: "Are you crazy!?! You'll die of radiation poisoning!!!"

Y/N: "No I won't. But you guys will if you stay here."

I go under the police tape heading into the power plant. Heading to its main section I see a villain just standing there.

Villain: "Well if ain't a hero."

Y/N: "This best hero that's ever lived."

He smiles grabbing two containers. He crushes them absorbing the nuclear energy within them.

Villain: "You're gonna die."

Y/N: "Same could be said for you."

He rushes in. He then punches me pumping me full of radiation. My body vibrates as the attacks land. When the villain stops he laughs.

Villain: "It was nice knowing you kid. But the radiation I just gave you should kill right about... now."

I wait. But nothing happens. I smile which shocks him.

Villain: "Why aren't you dead?"

Y/N: "Simple. I can't die."

I make my hands glow with radiation. In a flash I deliver a right hook to the villain's jaw. He goes backwards into containers full of nuclear energy. I jump bringing my fists down on him. He's hit and sent into the ground.

He uppercuts my chin sending me into the air. When my back hits the ceiling I fire a beam of nuclear energy. He's driven through the ground. I jump after him but am met with darkness. Looking around I'm met with the villain's voice.

Villain: "If I can't kill you then I'll just settle for drowning this city in nuclear fallout!"

I turn to see him pushing the plant's core free. It tilts landing straight on me. The villain laughs.

Villain: "Good riddance hero."

Y/N: "You truly are a dumbass."

I smile as my body absorbs the leaking radiation. The look on the villain's face is that of utter shock and disbelief. I finish soaking up the energy cracking my knuckles.

Y/N: "Now. Shall we go round two?"

The color leaves his body.

Villain: *meekly* "I'm sorry."

I smile reading a right hook.

3rd POV

Cops try to keep civilians back when an explosion goes off.

Cop: "Get back!!!"

They all run away as the explosion lets out a ripple effect that destroys parts of the buildings. When the blast subside the villain lands with a hard thud in front of the cops. Y/N then joins them.

Y/N: "One villain, to go."

Cop: "What was that explosion?"

Y/N: "The sound of a royal ass beating."

Cop2: "Well we thank you for your help."

Y/N: "Of course. A hero's gotta save the day if he wants to be famous."

They roll their eyes when the entire power plant comes crumbling to the ground. The cops stare at Y/N.

Y/N: "That was not my fault."

Cop: "Reckless boy."

Y/N: "Hey I saved your asses. You should be thanking me."

Cop2: "You destroyed the city's power plant."

Y/N: "It was already unsound. It was gonna come down regardless if I destroyed it."

Cop: "You're gonna help clean."

Y/N: "I wish I could, truly. But you see I've got some business that doesn't involve being here. Bye."

He runs away back to his home. A few minutes later he arrives to find a mountain of letters on the coffee table.

Y/N: "When will they ever leave me alone?"

He rolls his eyes heading to his bed. Plopping down he sighs at its warm embrace. He smiles beginning to drift to sleep. But the second his eyes close his alarm goes off. 

Alarm: "It's noon. Time for the exam. Wake up. Wake up."

He groans using his pillow to cover his ears.

Y/N: "Let me sleep damnit."

Alarm: "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

Y/N: "Shut up!!!!!"

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