Power Surge

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I deliver a right hook which Overhaul twists dodging. My attack launches taking out a section of the wall. Overhaul punches my ribs sending his quirk into them. I redirect it into a left jab that scoots him back.

I blast into the air. I then bring an electrical pulse down on Overhaul. He just reassembles it into a rock spike. It punctures my thigh making me grit my teeth. I slam my foot into his chest then release a blast of light sending him back. 

He places his hands on the ground. This makes a wave of spikes head towards me. I clap my hands sending out a kinetic burst that rips apart his spikes. With the rubble everywhere Overhaul uses this moment to rush in.

He grabs my left fist activating his quirk. Pain shoots up my arm as I feel my knuckles being broken apart. I push through the pain blasting us through the ceiling into the air. When we're sky high I kick him away as we land back on the ground. 

Overhaul: "Your endurance is something else. Most people would be dead from that much disassembling. But look at you, still standing. If not barely."

I huff in pain. I try to move my arms but they only emit a loud pop. Taking a good look at them I see they're frost bit blue with a couple of tan colored spots sprinkled in.

Overhaul: "If I were you I'd give up. If you keep going then there's a high possibility you'll lose your arms."

Eri: "Please mister. I'll go back to him. I don't wanna see you hurt yourself anymore."

Tears begin welling up. I offer her a smile.

Y/N: "You don't have to go anywhere. I'll gladly give up my arms if it means keeping you safe. After all, that's what heroes do. Sacrifice their bodies to aid those in need."

Overhaul: "Such goodness is sickening. Prepare to die hero."

He places his hands on the ground making a pillar jet out of the ground sending me into the air. As I come back down I open my mouth launching a fireball at Overhaul. It hits him scorching his jacket. 

He laughs throwing it off. Planting my feet I surge lightning into my legs. In a flash I slam my foot into Overhaul's ribs hearing several crack. He coughs before grabbing ahold of my ribs. My ribs are broken and moved around causing me to let out a shriek of pain. 

I push past it headbutting Overhaul. As I down I release a nuclear pulse. His crow mask shatters. This makes him kick my chest scooting me across the floor. I slide to stop before twisting my body flailing my right arm. 

The flail lets me send out a sonic blast towards Overhaul. He makes a wall shielding himself. I however run to him once more kicking him. As my foot makes contact I make a ripple of nuclear energy course through his body.

He hollers when I open my mouth. A stream of fire erupts engulfing Overhaul. He screams in pain when a pillar hits my stomach. I'm launched back when pain courses through me. I pant as the pain seems to only get worse.

Eri: "Are you okay?"

Y/N: "I'll be alright. Just need a little breather."

I return my attention to Overhaul who uses his quirk to fix his injuries. 

Overhaul: "Gotta admit you nearly had me. But this is where you die."

Y/N: "Eri listen. I'm gonna need to set you down so I can end this."

Eri: "I don't wanna let go."

Y/N: "It'll be okay. The second this is over I'll be right there for you."

Eri: "Promise?"

Y/N: "I promise."

Reluctantly she lets go.

Overhaul: "Once you're dead I'll take Eri and resume my work."

Y/N: "The only way you'll get Eri, is when you pry her from my cold dead corpse."

He smiles before rushing at me. I emit a flash that stuns him. I then run behind him. Forcing my arms to move I wrap them around Overhaul. Finally I launch us high into the air with a nuclear blast.

Overhaul: "Let me go!!!"

Y/N: "You hurt Eri. For that you'll pay dearly."

Overhaul: "Stupid hero!"

He grabs my arms making me shout in extreme pain. My arms begin to bleed as my skin finally begins to crack open. I ignore the pain and focus on my special move.

Y/N: "Let's see you counter this. Supernova!!!"

My pent up energy expands blasting away the clouds. A bright light erupts as a loud bang then follows. Me and Overhaul scream as the attack breaks us down. When the attack subsides I release Overhaul as we both fall towards the ground.

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